The true crime thriller series “Dahmer – Monster: The Story of Jeffrey Dahmer” is now one of the three most watched Netflix series after “Squid Game” and “Stranger Things”.

The series has been streamed an additional 122.8 million hours in its fourth week (October 10-16) and has clocked up a total of 824.2 million hours since its release on September 21, Netflix said in Los Gatos, California.

With that, “Dahmer” with Evan Peters as the serial killer in the lead role is now also ahead of the fifth season of the Spanish series “Money Heist” and both seasons of the US historical series “Bridgerton”.

The South Korean thriller series “Squid Game” is undisputedly still the most successful Netflix series worldwide in its first 28 days (the streaming service does not publish other figures). It was streamed a good 1.65 billion hours in September/October 2021. The fourth season of the US mystery series “Stranger Things” was viewed 1.35 billion hours in the first four weeks.

The third-placed series “Dahmer” is very controversial because of its brutality and psychological thrill. Real serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer once confessed after his arrest to having murdered 17 young men between 1978 and 1991. He was notorious as a Milwaukee cannibal and died in prison in 1994 at the age of 34.