Swedish klimaaktivist did not arrive to march in Lisbon. It prevented the Portuguese from going in the street.

The Swedish klimaaktivist Gretha Thunberg did not reach Friday’s global klimamarch Fridays for the Future, which took place in more than 100 cities the world over.

It was supposed, that Thunberg should have participated in the protests in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon.

She, however, had to give up Liderbahis to arrive, as she currently still is on a sailboat, who brings her back to Europe after a climate conference in New York.

On the social media she had to disappoint the many Portuguese klimaaktivister with a storm on the Atlantic ocean had prevented her participation.

This did not, however, thousands of young Portuguese from going in the street.

– We would wish that she was here, but the movement is going to have to continue without her, says 14-year-old Marianna Louca, who participated in the protest, according to Reuters.

It is however still expected to Gretha Thunberg must deliver a speech to the Portuguese parliament when she arrives.

Then goes the trip to Madrid for the young swede.

the Team behind Gretha Thunberg informs that she is expected to arrive to Portugal in the middle of next week.

Friday’s klimastrejke is the fourth of its kind in Portugal. Fridays of the Future-the march has been held in 2300 cities distributed in 153 countries all over the world. It informs the organization behind the.

Portugal was the first country that committed to the goal of becoming CO2-neutral by 2050.

In July declared a state of emergency for the climate.

Klimaaktivister still believe, however, that the Portuguese government drags its feet in the area of climate action.
