Overvågningsbilleder has subsequently been released, and they show how the perpetrators targeted and armed with axes – went on the hunt for treasures.

it was 04:59 when the alarm at the museum Grünes Gewölbe (The Green Vault, red.) in the German city of Dresden went.

On the overvågningsbilleder could the security guards watch while the thieves took away a part of an iron in front of a window in the museum’s ground floor and subsequently smashed the glass.

After coming through the window, they went targeted to more glasmontre, which they crushed with the help of blows from an axe.

The security guards that came with overvågningsbillederne, contacted with the same police – but they couldn’t even make something up, since they were unarmed, writes CNN.

When police arrived at the site shortly after, was the thieves fled.

Subsequently, it emerged that the successful thieves to get away with three priceless and ædelstensbesatte Betvole jewellery set from the 1700s, from the part of the museum, where the treasure belonging to August the 2. of Poland – known as August the Strong – is exhibited.

The three sets consists of several parts, and everything is believed more than 100 objects, which among other things consists of diamonds, rubies and smagrader, to have been stolen.

“We are talking here about objects of inestimable cultural value,” said museum director Dirk Syndram at a press conference Monday.

It is feared that the thieves can find on the stand the meeting down and try to melt the objects on, as they are so unique that they will easily be recognized if the perpetrators are trying to sell them on the black market.

the Perpetrators are still not found. According to the police it is likely that there is more gerningspersoner than the two, which can be seen on overvågningsbillederne.