On a ferry on its way from France to Ireland is 16 stowaways found alive in a lastbiltrailer.

16 people have been found behind a truck on a ferry from France to Ireland. All 16 are alive.

It informs færgeoperatøren Stena Line in a statement released Thursday.

A Stena Line employee says that “16 people were found in a sealed trailer on the car deck during a routine inspection”.

the Ferry, “Stena Horizon”, sailed from the northern French port city of Cherbourg, at nine o’clock on Wednesday evening, heading for Rosslare in Ireland.

– All people have a good and has been staying in a private passagerområde on the ship, where their well-being is in focus, writes Stena Line, in a statement.

the Operator informs further that it had warned authorities in the port of Rosslare in the south east of Ireland, where the ferry is scheduled to arrive Thursday at 15.30.

The irish broadcaster Tempobet RTE reports that the group of blind passengers – all men aged 20 to 40 years and possibly in the united states – is assumed to have left Belgium for five days ago.

Later Thursday, were ten men found in a lastbilcontainer in London. All ten were arrested. So did the driver.

One of the men was brought to the hospital for treatment. The police in Essex, according to the news agency PA.

Tuesday was 25 migrants found alive in a refrigerated container on a Danish cargo ship from the Netherlands to England. They are believed to be from Kuwait or Iraq.

The driver, who was carrying the container, according to the police in Rotterdam, a 39-year-old Romanian, who has been arrested. The police don’t know yet with certainty whether the driver knew that there were persons in the container.

The 25 migrants were discovered on board the cargo ship “Britannia Seaways”, which is operated by the Danish shipping company DFDS.

the Ship called on Tuesday from Holland at 15.30, but turned on, after that many of the stowaways had been found.

In October, the 39 migrants from Vietnam is found dead in a truck in English Essex. The truck had come to Britain on a ferry from Belgium.
