The director Marcus H. Rosenmüller sharply criticizes Free Voters leader Hubert Aiwanger for his political style. “For me, the speech by the Bavarian Vice Prime Minister in Erding was a low point in Bavarian politics,” said Rosenmüller in an interview with the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Monday edition). At the June rally in Erding, Aiwanger said, among other things, that the silent majority must “take back democracy.” Rosenmüller told the newspaper: “You have to defend yourself against this populism.”

Rosenmüller became known in 2006 with his film “Those who die earlier are dead longer”. In an interview, he accuses Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) of not firing Aiwanger despite the leaflet affair: “The fact that Markus Söder held on to Aiwanger after his Erdinger speech must be shameful for everyone who loves Bavaria. Man can choose the people at his side,” emphasized the director. After the affair became known, Söder sent a list of questions to Aiwanger – and after answering them, he said that he did not consider a dismissal to be proportionate.

Rosenmüller himself sat for the SPD on the local council in his home town of Hausham for several years. There will be state elections in Bavaria next Sunday, October 8th.