families, familiar to the policeman – but he admits his terrible deeds. He should have abused boys at lake Starnberg miss in his sailing boat.

A police officer stands since Monday (15. June) before the court. He confessed on the first Day of the trial, to have especially in his function as a member of the volunteer Feuerwehr , young passed. The actions are intended to have, among other things, on a sailing boat on the Starnberg lake place.

Update from 15. June: A police officer on Monday (15. June) before the regional court Munich II sexual abuse of several boys stood in a number of cases. “Our client acknowledges the sexual abuse to all Victims in full,” it said in a statement read by his lawyer in court. He’ll take responsibility for it – “even if he can’t do the deeds undone”.

police officer admits to multiple abuse of boys at the Starnberger see: “Was curious”

The 60-year-old German accused looks almost emaciated, at least in comparison to the numerous pictures on the Internet that show him as a handsome man: pride in the police service or to be proud of in the typical Bavarian Janker as a Board member of the volunteer firefighters. More than a year, he’s already in custody. It is a deep case.

+ Among other things, on lake Starnberg, a police photo of young past have (Icon).©picture alliance/dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich

With “curiosity” justified the police officers that he and the youth were in the boy blundered, or even children. “I was just curious, I can’t explain it,” he says after the reading of the Declaration. He compares his behavior with that of a child who “looks at Christmas through the keyhole”, pushes but afterwards, that “a stupid example” was.

police officer abusing boys at lake Starnberg – regarded over the years as a dedicated volunteer

for many Years he was regarded as a dedicated volunteer, not only for the firefighters, but also for the circle youth ring. Especially in the case of the fire Department, so it sees the public Prosecutor’s office, he sought his victims. The mesh in this case, should always be similar: He was the paternal friend, of the Familiar. Then he started to send porn pictures or tried to conquer, finally, to his ward. “I could slap me in the face, but I can’t undo it,” he says.

+ Among other things, on lake Starnberg, a police photo of young past have (Icon).©picture alliance/dpa / Felix Hörhager

The crime scenes were, according to the indictment the premises of the voluntary fire brigade or a sail boat on the Starnberger see. In one case he is said to have a 17-Year – old, to began the he on the Internet, 20 Euro for sexual services given, executed in the basement of the parents house of the young.

One of his underage interns at the fire Department he is supposed to have pornographic images via Whatsapp, and Instagram sent. Including intimate images of his wife, without her Knowledge sent or uploaded to a web portal, where it’s thousands of times has been clicked. On his Tablet, the investigator for children and youth porn found: “For me to Watch,” he says in court. The Material, the young kids and girls show, don’t know but he. He did not know where it come from.

As the state’s attorney read all of the allegations, supports the accused, who hid his face from the cameras of the journalists behind a blue folder as he was led in handcuffs into the courtroom, his head on the Hand. He pinches the eyes, and shakes again and again, almost imperceptibly the head. Nervous, he plays with a ball-point pen that lies in front of him on the dock.

“do you Want to collect time short? You seem a little nervous,“ says one of his three lawyers, as he talks about his personal circumstances. But the 60-Year-old continues undeterred. He told that he was an illegitimate child, his father never knew, and the first years of his Childhood at the grandparents spent. At 22, he met his wife at a dance event of the traditional costume Association. Two daughters, own a home, he makes music in the Church.

And this is the life he wants, he says in court. “My family is to me. We have said that we want to re-start“. From service as a police officer, he was suspended. When he says that he will never be that again for the Volunteer fire brigade worked, denied to him by the voice, and he breaks out in tears. He will work in the future much in the garden and a lot of time with his wife spend. His family waiting for him: “you hope that I come home this week.”

But it won’t come to ease: The comprehensive confession of the accused is part of a deal. All those involved in the process agreed on a penalty of between four years and three months and five years and three months. For the process three negotiations are scheduled days, the judgment could fall on Friday.

first message on the 12. June: Starnberg/München – A policeman from Munich surrounding areas is available from next Monday (15. June) because of sexual abuse from children and wards and sexual assault in court. He is supposed to have according to prosecutors, especially in his function as a member of the voluntary fire brigade of boys passed – among other things, on a sailing boat on the Starnberger see*.

Like the Focus reported, there have been over the years, abuse . Many families have entrusted their children due to its position as the policeman and youth were at the fire Department without hesitation. The man is said to have numerous young past, so the Focus on.

sailing boat on lake Starnberg: Has passed a policeman of many young?

rolling the investigations had come in the past year by a display that involved a more than 15 years past misuse case .

Almost the same time, a father turned to the former information of the land office of criminal investigation to the police that His son had met during a student internship at the police an official who had sent the son after the internship, pornographic photos and movies. The police is also accused of possession of child pornography.

police officer should have to children of the past – the process should start earlier

start Originally, the process in March should be just before the Corona – Lockdown. He was, however, discontinued. Now up to 19. June, three Trial set.

nema with dpa

After the abuse cases in Muenster, Germany the lead for the horror, there is a debate about a sentence aggravation for child pornography. In a day-topics-comment on this theme.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.