she takes us on her search for the Right and reports weekly on their experiences and findings. Continue on to part 57: Yes, no, Maybe – why liability (k)is an Option

Why??? Why? The question I ask myself for the umpteenth Time and make me so clearly as members of Generation Y, supposedly everything is always in question, very freedom-loving and constantly on all doubts. Yes. Why? Why set? Why bind? Why commit? Why do we want to keep all the doors open? Why is our independence so important? Why can’t we define ourselves? Why we bond so hard and let go so easily? Why? Why? Why? And who are WE anyway? If you will, we are born, the sandwich child of our society, between 1985 and 2000, we are the boomers so far and the Zoomern not close enough. We have rid ourselves of hierarchies, and conventions that have experienced crises and are still in the middle of it. We know what it means, uncertainty, and shy away from us but in front of absolute safety. We want to realise our self, and we always want the Optimum. We can be loyal, but only as long as everything feels good, right and easy.

does not Fit anything, we separate Y to us. It’s never been easier. It never went faster. And then we have to start to search and ask questions. And actually, we want to arrive only to be held constantly on the move, and we want to find answers to our questions. Because we have all the possibilities of this world, or believe, to have you. And if we have not found what feels, for the Moment, well, we have to look for just more. In doing so, we make one thing: We’re not taking any risk. Just not too much open, never show weakness, just not too much promise and not fall in love. Benni says: “Sorry, tomorrow I can, unfortunately. Something came in between. But maybe it will work even spontaneously.”

Generation Y: Set? Yes and no!

Benni says our Date in the short term, of the classic. But not even the cancellation is a firm no. Perhaps there is still a small Chance for our Meeting. Maybe, but maybe not. Maybe, let’s see, is still not quite sure, perhaps, probably and so on. We have phrases any amount of Vagueness in our vocabulary when it comes to send neither a clear Yes nor a clear no. Typical of our collective question mark. Set? Yes and no!

We just can’t do it. As well as? In the ice cream parlor to choose from 50 varieties in the supermarket, there are over 500 mineral species and on Tinder romp over 50 million users*on the inside. The selection is great, and the idea that the most delicious type of ice, the water with the highest mineral content and the next Date is just around the corner, makes it so hard to choose just once. And the decision then also decided to look at. No more commitment!

My time, your time

I am a bit disappointed. Finally, I had held me the night for both of us and be “Maybe even” I’m tempted, almost, to it also also be noted. But because for me his indecisiveness is annoying, I go now, even in the evening, planning offensive (without Benni). Clearly, I would have made really like with him. But for me, a binding agreement has to do something with mutual appreciation and respect. My time and your time. And so my Single ends-knowledge 058 – how could it be otherwise – with a question: Why not simply say Yes?

This article was written by (Kathi Killmann)

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*The contribution of “Through spontaneous Date-cancellation I realize how incapable relationship of the generation Y is” is published by Glamour. Contact with the executives here.
