Singer Lulu (32) commented on her “Let’s Dance” exit last Friday evening (May 3rd). In an Instagram story from the car, the sister of Sarah Connor (43) and Anna-Maria Ferchichi (42) explains the day after the farewell: “Unfortunately it wasn’t enough for Massi and me yesterday. We are no longer there and are allowed to Don’t dance any more.” She is also “really sad, but I gave everything from my side and I had wonderful experiences on ‘Let’s Dance’,” explains the musician. “It was an incredible adventure, everything I learned… I reached my limits and still never gave up. No matter how much my body hurt, we always kept going.”

She added in writing to her statement: “And I was allowed to dance my Magic Moment. That was my personal goal and I am very grateful that I was able to dedicate my Magic Moment to my husband.” She also only has positive words for dance professional Massimo Sinató (43) in her Instagram story: “Massimo was such a great dance trainer and partner.” The 32-year-old explains to the camera that she is now looking forward to the final and seeing her colleagues again. She also sent greetings to Tony Bauer (28), whom she will especially miss and wish him to get better soon. “He has enriched us all so much, I have taken him so close to my heart.”

The comedian danced his own magical moment on the RTL show (also via RTL) on Friday, but he and the broadcaster had previously announced that Bauer would be leaving for health reasons. The travel influencer Ann-Kathrin Bendixen (24) got the call shortly before the new live show that she had to step in due to Bauer’s departure. As is the case this time, in such cases the dance couple who were last eliminated usually returns to the show.

Even chief critic Joachim Llambi (59) was very gracious on the show and explained that Bendixen could be proud of himself. “For 24 hours […] it was really crazy,” agreed Motsi Mabuse (43). Despite the significant disadvantage, Bendixen scored 21 points and even her personal record. Most viewers probably expected that Bendixen would be eliminated again despite her best performance, but it wasn’t the influencer who had to go, but singer Lulu. Motsi Mabuse does not accept critical comments on the returnee’s decision and performance. Under an RTL Instagram post she writes: “Respect for everyone. Writing evil from home is easy. Absolutely everyone is putting their foot down, so please respect these people.”