giant vortex of Dieter Nuhr. In an Audio commentary for the German research Foundation (DFG) explains, the controversial comedian, Know, mean that it is 100 percent safe, but rather that you have enough facts to have a reasoned opinion. “Science is just that, the opinion changes when the facts change.” Science is not a Religion. “And who says constantly ‘follow the science’ has not understood this obvious”, so only more – probably in allusion to Greta Thun Berg’s phrase: “stop the science”.

The DFG shared the comment on Twitter, where it rained massive criticism. “I am stunned at the fact that the DFG is a misogynen, insulting people to talk to just this field,” writes a user who operates according to his own statement in science. Another asks the DFG: “Are you going to let science through a science denier to explain?”

DFG deletes Nuhr-contribution to the negative comments – and reaps criticism

The audio post is part of the campaign “DFG2020 – For the Knowledge to decide”. The aim of the DFG: you don’t want to wear “their Belief for a free and curiosity-driven research in the society.” The DFG had made only one of the Ambassador – in addition to Ranga Yogeshwar and Yasmin fahimi.

In a first Tweet, the DFG defended still Nuhrs comment. “Everyone whose Statement is the content for the Knowledge, is in DFG2020 welcome,” – said in a Posting under the origin post. A few hours later, Nuhrs post was removed from the campaign website how the DFG writes in another Posting.

The deletion will not like, however each. A user writes on Twitter: “I find it alarming that now is the satirist to be censored.” Other speak of a censorship. A user writes again: “The DFG deletes on the factual level completely correct contribution due to pressure of some subscribers? That I find alarming.”

Nuhr defends himself: “You labelled me – completely insane – as a science hostile”

From “the world”, said the DFG, that is the Video I come across on Twitter a discourse, and you’ve decided to remove the comment. The Post all thing “led to a strong and very critical response”, in the it is less to Nuhrs Statement, “but the scientific attitude go, for he is elsewhere”, the justification of the DFG.

see also: comedian Dieter Nuhr: age, personal life, scandals and more

Nuhr itself rejects the criticism, such as from a written Statement to the “world” shows. It had already been more often tried him as a “science enemy” represent, “because I often to the fact that the term science should not be abused, to proclaim an absolute truth that must not be questioned,” says Noor. “You labeled me, completely absurd – as a science-hostile, so my voice is discredited,” the comedian continued.

sets how the climate activist Greta Thunberg (“stop the science”), holds only for Excessive. Such phrases suggested, “there is the one that is just scientific solution to the Problem of climate change.” In fact, there are many proposals for a solution, and not just one.

“Cancel culture” prevents productive discourse

More Nuhr said to the “world” that it is today, it was no longer possible to lead a productive discussion, because the “cancel culture”, critical voices, like his, do increasingly muzzled. The reaction of the DFG to remove his comment, looks only as a part of this problem: “It is always denounced more often instead of arguing.” This behavior was “not only strange, but downright alarming”.

Noor also appealed with a Letter to the DFG . It says, among other things: “you ‘responding to criticism’. With other words: The DFG under creators, the work on the Internet systematically to the suppression of critical voices, which stand in the middle of the political spectrum throws the Riot. Where is the DFG? She wants to be a part of the mind shaft, or independently? I get the creeps a little.“

In a Statement, the DFG of the “world” in hindsight, that it was “obviously came to an incorrect overall assessment of his attitude towards science and the importance of scientific evidence”. Apparently, the DFG regretted the cooperation with Nuhr now.

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