It turned out instead to be a hidden way to ask for help on.

It writes CNN.

It was the american Tim TenEyck, who was at work on the control panel 13. november, when he received the unusual phone call from a woman from Oregon in the state of Ohio.

to begin with he wondered at the fact that she had called 911 (corresponding to 112 in denmark, red.) to order a pizza.

But the woman continued to insist that she had dialed the correct number:

“No, you don’t understand it,” she replied and gave him his address.

It was there, it went up for Tim TenEyck, that there Cratosslot was likely something more serious going on.

He then began to ask her a series of questions which she could answer yes or no to, and she could therefore, according to CNN say: ‘Yes. I must have a big pizza’ and: ‘No. With pepperoni’.

Then it became clear that there probably was a case of domestic violence.

When the police came to the spot, it was clear that the 34-year-old woman, who had called the police, had sounded the alarm, after her mom’s boyfriend – Simon Ray Lopez had come home and was affected by alcohol.

the Man had then allegedly knocked the woman’s 57-year-old mother and pushed her around in the house, while he had shouted that he would hurt her.

Simon Ray Lopez was then arrested and charged with assault.