The Netflix series about Jeffrey Dahmer not only attracts many viewers, but also causes criticism. Now the father of the serial killer is also speaking up – and is threatening to file a lawsuit against Netflix. The now 86-year-old, who lives in Ohio with his second wife, criticized that the streaming provider never contacted him about the series.

“Lionel and his deputy are gathering information and are investigating a possible lawsuit against the production team or possibly Netflix,” his supervisor said. Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 young men between 1978 and 1991, most of them homosexuals. He had sexually seduced his victims, drugged them and then sometimes abused the corpses. His father also plays a prominent role in the series.

For Lionel Dahmer, this portrayal apparently has real consequences in his life, which he actually leads in seclusion in a rural area. Since the success of the series, Dahmer has been a “nervous wreck,” his supervisor told the “Sun.” Fans of the serial killer reportedly turned up at his property and harassed him “hostilely and aggressively.” That’s why “no trespassing” signs have been put up there, reports the “Sun”.

“Everyone says that if there was no correspondence, you can claim damages. There was no concern at all for Lionel’s well-being,” explains the supervisor. That’s why lawyers have already been consulted to possibly take legal action against Netflix. In 1994, Lionel Dahmer himself published a book about his relationship with his son. According to the father, the Netflix series was not necessary, his assistant said: “All the information that needs to be public is in the book. Everything else is only glorified and draws attention to things that are not proven.”

Shortly after the series was released, relatives of Dahmer’s victims had harshly criticized Netflix. Rita Isbell, the sister of murder victim Errol Lindsey, accused the screenwriters and Netflix of disrespect for never contacting the victims’ families: “It’s sad that they’re just making money off this tragedy.” Her cousin also hit Netflix hard, saying his family was “retraumatized” by the series.

Sources: The Sun / Insider / Eric Perry on Twitter

See in the photo gallery: Their deeds are unimaginably cruel and cause fear and terror. We show ten particularly notorious US serial killers.