President Donald Trump says that Saudi Arabia’s king has apologised for the killings at the naval base in Florida.

It was a soldier from the saudi air force, which on Friday killed several people at a naval base in the us state of Florida.

this was stated by The Florida governor, Ron Desantis.

In all, four people were killed and several wounded during the shooting at the base Naval Air Station Pensacola.

one of the saudi soldier. He was shot and killed by two officers in a room inside at the base, informed the local sheriff in Escambia County, David Morgan, former.

– Saudi Arabia’s government is going to have to answer for these victims, says governor Desantis.

– They must be paying off a debt here, he says.

President Donald Trump writes on Twitter that he has spoken with Saudi Arabia’s king Salman after the shooting, and the king has said sorry.

King said the saudi people are very angry over the perpetrator of barbaric acts, and that this person in no way represents the feelings of the saudi people, which loves the american people, writes Trump.

Several hundred soldiers from all over the world participate currently in training at the local naval base.

Sheriff Morgan told earlier that an armed person had been antruffet Friday morning – afternoon Danish time.

the Shooting had begun at 6.30 Friday morning, and it finished first at 8.00 according to the newspaper USA Today, as the saudi soldier had been stopped by two cops.

Who had been shot in the classrooms over two floors. The saudi soldier had been armed with a gun.

Eight people are being treated at the nearest hospital for their injuries, stated in the past.

During the action two of the sheriff’s assistants wounded. One was hit by a shot in the arm, while the other was hit in the knee.

Naval Air Station Pensacola is located near Florida’s border to the state of Alabama and is a major training site for fleet. It is also where the Blue Angels are holding to. It is a luftakrobatisk unit, participating in the demonstrations.

working of 16,000 military personnel and 7400 civilians on the base.
