Jan Böhmermann shows admiration for some older TV colleagues. “I love how Frank Elstner does that, looking at things with an affection for everything that comes after him. That’s unfortunately rare in entertainment,” said the satirist, late night and research show host Moderator of the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. “And didn’t Stefan Raab do it fantastically?” Bohmermann continued. “At 50 he retired as announced, that’s desirable,” said the 41-year-old (“ZDF Magazin Royale”).

Regarding the interviewer’s comment that there are no stars on the ZDF show who praise their films, albums or books, Böhmermann said: “It’s unsatisfactory to only have seven minutes of promo talk, it bores me and everyone else. Who If you want to sell yourself or something, go to Lanz or sit down with Maischberger at the comedy table between Jan Fleischhauer and Alexander Kissler.”