ARD and ZDF have, for years, the salaries of the artistic Director. The WDR is the largest public broadcasting, that’s why Tom Buhrow earned by all Directors on the most. As current Figures show, the ARD published on the Internet, received Buhrow 2019 395,000 euros 4000 euros less than in 2016.

The remuneration of Ulrich Wilhelm, the Bavarian radio increased from 367.000 euros in 2016 to 388.000 Euro.

The former NDR Director Lutz marmor received in the past year 365 000 Euro 17 000 Euro more than in 2016. SWR-Intendant Kai Gniffke received 343 000 euros, his predecessor Peter Boudgoust had received 2016 338 000 Euro.

Public broadcasters ARD and ZDF are financed to a large extent on the broadcasting contribution

ZDF-Intendant Thomas Bellut related, according to the ZDF in the year 2018, including benefits in kind, nearly 369 000 € 47 000 Euro more than in 2015.

The public broadcasters in Germany are financed to a large part of the broadcast contribution, the need to pay for each household.

the cable network: Berlin-gets Marzahn 1 GBit/s by Telekom

a mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other los FOCUS Online/Wochit mass brawl on the beach: the vacationers go with umbrellas on each other
