It was expected that Russia were excluded from international sporting events in four years, believes Rusada.

the President of The Russian anti-doping agency (Rusada), Yuri Ganus, call it a tragedy for the “clean” athletes that Russia has been excluded for four years from the international sporting events of The International anti-doping agency (Wada).

– It is a tragedy, he says to news agency AFP, adding that some Russian athletes have already considering to leave Russia, so they can compete.

however, It will be pointless for Russia to appeal the judgment in the country Monday received, to The International court of arbitration for sport (CAS), believes Ganus.

– There is no chance of winning this case in court, he says.

Russia can appeal the case to The International court of arbitration for sport (CAS). It must be done within 21 days, writes The New York Times.

The russians will decide at a meeting 19. december, informs Rusada news agency Tass.

It was not surprising to Rusada, Russia has been excluded, says the vice-president of Rusada, Margarita Pakhnotskaya.

– the Decision of the Wadas executive committee was expected. I’m not surprised that it was unanimous.

– The image, which I saw at the recent Wada meeting, was about the same. As far as I have understood, there was none of the executive committee members, who said something to support Russia, she says according to the news agency Tass.

An expert committee under the Wada had come with a large number of recommendations for ways to punish Russia for dopingsnyd.

the Recommendations came to pass, on the background of Russia for a number of years has seen large on anti-doping rules and in addition has been provided dopingdata, before the data was handed over to Wada.

the Exclusion means that Russia as a nation miss out on among other things, the summer OLYMPICS in 2020 and the winter OLYMPICS in 2022.

Russian athletes, who can prove their innocence – among other things, by not to have been a part of dopingprogrammet – must participate in large-scale idrætsevents as the OLYMPICS. But they must compete under the neutral flag.

According to the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, is the exclusion of a part of a larger trend.

– This is the continuation of the anti-russia hysteria, which has already become chronic, says Medvedev, according to AFP.

minister for Sports Pavel Kolobkov believe that the sentence is politically motivated. He thinks it can be reversed.

– I think the right thing to do is to try the case in the CAS, he said to AFP, adding that he sees the chances as “pretty good”.
