Rock legend Rod Stewart (78) is happy about his eldest son’s wedding: Sean Stewart (42) said yes to his girlfriend Jody Weintraub (42) in Las Vegas. According to People, he proposed to her during a Valentine’s Day dinner. The couple applied for a marriage license that same evening and were married at the Little Church of the West.
The 42-year-old and his wife, who also went by the name Stewart at the wedding, have known each other since high school. “People” quotes an insider: “They are both absolute family people.” Sean Stewart called his mother Alana shortly before the wedding and also informed father Rod Stewart: “His father was so happy about the news.”
At the wedding, the groom wore jeans and an Yves Saint Laurent sweater, and the bride wore a black cashmere jumpsuit, the insider said. “They went straight back to the hotel afterwards. It was a bit like, ‘Holy shit… we got married!’ But they were so happy and have no regrets. Their relationship is stable.”