As he says the actor Robert Pattinson,, anyone who has seen The witch (2015) will be convinced that the director, Robert Eggers, is a rare type. “In reality it is a person of the most pleasant,” says the interpreter. “Nothing more to see her work, I knew that I would love to work with him”, matches Willem Dafoe. They are the protagonists of the new rarity film that is The lighthouse, a film that was kind of overwhelmed at the Cannes film festival, earning them the prize of the critics, and now enjoys a nomination to the BAFTA and that tells the story of two lighthouse keepers in the NINETEENTH century, abandoned on a small island of New England. This film, his second, does very little to change the reputation of rare Eggers. “What’s strange? Maybe, but I don’t think so. It is true that I have other interests. I like the mythology and the religion, folktales, and fairy. The cults and witchcraft. And nearly all of those who have influenced me are dead. But outside of my study, my book of [WILLIAM]Blake, also can connect with the world around me”, says the following during an interview with a filmmaker who more seems to have come out of the cast of Are of Anarchyque of the school of cinema.


this is ‘The lighthouse’, the new film starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson ‘the heart of The forest’. Criticism of ‘The witch’

Eggers, 36-year-old never stepped on a school as well. But despite his peculiar filmography, grew up “like any other young american” with a diet based on Star Wars, Disney, and Spielberg. His mother taught him and his brother Max to read Stanislavsky, but the first time Robert realized that the movie did people like he was at the age of six with The return of the Jedi. Then would Head borradora and The city of lost children, and it was in New York, the place where he escaped from his New Hampshire home, where he discovered that the true school was to see it all: 10, up to 20 films a day, and learn from the best. “What I’m doing,” he says. “I learn more by revisiting the long shots of Miklós Jancsó that in one of The Avengers”.

Aroma of Poe and Melville

With a slight stutter apologizes for his bluff, even though it reaffirms in their tastes. The lighthouse smells like Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville. But what gave more shape to the story was a thorough historical research, in order to recreate a time past, with great attention to detail, as it says Dafoe, and precisely able to connect with the public. “To sound even more egomaniaco I am going to quote that a student of Jung, Marie-Louise Van Franz, who predicted that the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen would not be as popular as the brothers Grimm for being very of its time, too victorian. I don’t know what you have to see my story of two lighthouse keepers with the Grimm but I hope to be more like those brothers”, he explains.

Pattison admits that he had his moments of doubt before the madness that is The lighthouse, shot in black-and-white film, with a format 1.19:1 (more square than the one used regularly), and with old cameras from the early days of the cinema. If it adds to that a shooting in a beacon of New Scotland, under the ravages of a time that changed every 20 minutes, the disaster was quite feasible.

Eggers, which he made clear the stipulations techniques on the first page of the script, admits there was something of amusement in all of this, but nothing was capricious. Followed their own aesthetic vision. “I admire the work of [director of photography] Chivo Lubezki. Who does not? But he is in love with the Alexa 65, the realism, digital images, while I like to see the reality through a window dirty.”

Superstitious and escarmentado, he prefers not to talk about the movies that awaits you. Dafoe confirms that they will work together in The Northman with Anya Taylor-Joy, the actress who was introduced to the world with The witch.

Superstitious and escarmentado, he prefers not to talk about the movies that awaits you. Dafoe is the one who confirms that they will work together in The Northman with Anya Taylor-Joy, the actress who was introduced to the world with The witch (2015). What seems to be parked is the project of revisiting Nosferatu, the classic silent film that you would like to convert in a short story from the original Murnau, of the work of Bram Stoker and, of course, of the version of Herzog. “This project is going to be difficult”, confesses resigned the doer, unstoppable.