After increasing pressure from his own party and from the british people called for David Cameron vote for brexit.

A majority of the brits voted in the summer of 2016 in order to leave The European Union (EU). It was not only the culmination of a heated election campaign, but also to several decades of scepticism about cooperation.

below you can learn more about the british relationship to the european UNION:

* since the Uk – along with Denmark and Ireland – joined the EU on 1. January 1973, have to a greater or lesser degree been the british campaigns to leave the community.

* the Dissatisfaction with the EU looks at the latest really up in the context of the economic crisis in the late 2000’s.

* The former british prime minister David Cameron, who took office in 2010, met both from within his conservative party and from the british population requirement to print a referendum on membership.

* Cameron had actually hoped to stop “the constant talk about Europe”. But after increasing pressure, he promised in January 2013 to print a vote, if The tories won at the next elections.

* In 2015 prevailed Cameron and the rest of the conservatives at the election. The prime minister announced in February 2016, that there would be a referendum in June. He added that he was in favor of remaining in the EU.

* The next four months was the united kingdom in a hefty campaigning.

* the Campaign for a british farewell to the EU – the so-called brexit – argued, among other things, economic benefits to leave the union.

* It was, however, particularly the argument for “taking back control” over immigration to the country, there won resonated with the voters.

* 23. June 2016 voted button 52 percent of the british to leave the EU.

Sources: AP, The Guardian.
