Who goes slowly, goes far. This spell can also be used on the Jogging transferred: As a slow runner to benefit of health benefits.

you will be constantly overtaken by other runners and feel slow? Then you make according to some researchers, something right. Because slow Jogging is intended to have many positive effects.

Who jogs, should be able to parallel talk. So, it is ensured that the pulse is too fast and you are overwhelmed. It is true: Everyone runs at their own Tempo, because depending on the training condition, the level of Exertion varies. Who wants to be a really good workout, you must increase the speed. the However, there is much to suggest that it would be better to aim at a leisurely Jogging pace .

stress reduction and fat burning boost: What are the reasons for slow running

the Following are the reasons for slow Running :

Who jogs slowly reduces> the risk of injury </strong : to Who a longer period of time quickly runs the risk of to overexert yourself. The risk of convulsions increases, and thus the risk of falling. You can also focus slower joggers on your environment, and also to any hazards caused by cyclists or other road users to react. the Better fat burning : A low pulse leads to even more fat* will be burned. the to strengthen the immune system* slow Jogging : A low pulse will also cause the blood circulation and the immune system. the stress reduction : Who jogs in a relaxed and non-self, by lofty time goals stress that can break down during the round, through the Park, really good Stress. the Longer lifetime : “the creators of The “Copenhagen City Heart”-study of 17,000 men and women between the ages of 20 and 98 years, and their training program. After an observation period of 35 years, scientists were able to determine that those who were regularly slowly joggten up to six years longer than non-runners,” informs the Portal girlfriend.

In the

also read : Jogging you like? Why you Plogging should require.

you might also reduce : high blood pressure of interest, of course: So, you soon need no more medicine.


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