The essay “For the ass” from the flowering years of the gay movement, explains, that anal sexuality is entangled in the phallic order

cars Why not a bit more ass? CSD, 2019, Berlin photo: dpa

A, as it should seem, hand gekrakelter dash obscured the name, and makes it possible to add another. The constraints of the bourgeois, residing in all of us, require the clear classification and canonization of self as a subaltern and radical Announced.

That this write-up acts are so clearly (namely: on the title page) are visible, in turn, is only possible because it is the small, conscientious of August publishing.

one of these names, Guy Hocquenghem, and belongs to the most famous author in the context of the French gay movement of the Seventies. Also these days the newly launched book “homosexual desire” to put the self under the Left two demands for liberation and circulation of the unfettered, wandering desire (instead of the phallic revolution in apologetics).

Because of similar thoughts outgoing treatise with the title “Les culs énergumènes”, to German about: “The energy-rich assholes”, for the first time in 1973, in a later than immoral seized and destroyed, edition of the journal Recherches had appeared in the the authors name listed goods, including Hocquenghems, but without attribution to their contributions, the editor of the new edition at the beginning of your work out, as well as all in front of you, Hocquenghem is the author is.

Christian Maurel: “For the ass”. August Verlag, Berlin 2019, 144 pages, 14 Euro.

This is in truth the less well-known, Christian Maurel, such as the Didier-Eribon-PhD candidate Antoine Idier found out recently.

The Text reads like a comment on Hocquenghems the main plant. Its Central idea, the social sexuality build on the persecution of homosexuality, but is woven more: What follows from this logic to the subjectivity of those who are beyond the heterosexual order apparently? “We are the threat to the repressed homosexuality of all other, and your reaction to it is what has formed us.”

Nothing to do with the liberation of so, also for you! While Hocquenghem dismissed his readers with the hope of a kind of streaming and anal homosexuality have already transformative power, lights Maurel, the places where this hope shatters.

There he meets the guilty, shame-like productions of classes and “races”-affiliation, which determine the arrangement of sexual partners (of the rich French son, let the “Arabs” to compensate for the precarious Status of penetration, but Privebet please, anonymously and in the dark); he encounters an “imperialism of the youth and of the beautiful body”, the times digital meat inspection, a huge industry has grown; on the “viciousness” and the binding of incapacity, the power of the gay scene is such a drafty place, even today; their homosexuality is actually extruding Geometry, the the sexual partner “leave trembling in the asshole and the Vagina” look. to talk

About Sex has resigned in the Wake of all the struggles for Recognition in the Background (whether their representatives to support such marginalized groups within the LGBTI*or but in the name of a threatened masculinity against such receivables sealing); Peter Rehberg points out in his afterword.

This, the clear Maurel, a lot of Gay in spite of Coming-outs on the inside on the run from the order. The child you secretly, but again, their fantasies: “let’s leave the homosexuality proceed exactly as heterosexuals imagine.” That is to say: There are “active” and “passive”, strong and weak, masculine and feminine. Clear roles, clear thing.

Therefore the anger of many Gay. It’s like the hare and the hedgehog: “I’m already there,” announced the heteronormative order reliably to any attempt from her to escape.

This Text comes from the taz at the weekend. Always starting on Saturday at the Kiosk, in the eKiosk or equal to Wochenendabo. And in the case of Facebook and Twitter.

So why not cuddle up to her? “The middle class leaves us no thirty-six ways in which homosexuality, it leaves us with a single,” says Maurel aptly.

In the “tone of a detached or cynical faggot” (Rehberg) he provides his scepticism, in Spite of the necessary work of mourning, from this frustration of starting the ground for a more radical Experiment prepare: “a ratio of the Non-competition and Non-property rights”; the Desire, “spent, finally, polymorphic, and wasted and disappears” and the Disappearance of gender, Power, and believed to be secure categories with tears.

This way of losing leads, because the author leaves no doubt in and around and through the ass. With no guarantee of success.