pro-democracy candidates hope that a good result at the local elections sends a message to the Hong kong regime.

After five months, with large demonstrations in Hong kong put the turnout in Sunday distriktsvalg record.

Over 70 percent of voters have voted, according to figures from the electoral commission.

It’s about twice as many as at the last elections to the local county councils four years ago. Here voted 1.47 million voters, while the figure on Sunday were up almost 2.9 million an hour before the closing time.

– The high voter turnout reflects certainly the Hong kong citizens ‘ hopes of a real direct election, says a voter, the 30-year-old Tsz.

In the course of the election day was quiet in the streets of Hong kong.

I hope that this stability and peace not only applies to today’s options, but that also indicates that all of the wish that Hong kong does not drop out in a chaotic situation again, said the Hong kong government, Tulipbet Carrie Lam, when she gave her voice.

She promised that her government will now listen more to the views that come from distriktsrådene.

Usually there is not much focus on distriktsvalget in Hong kong, where the former have been mainly chosen candidates who support the chinese supported the government in Hong kong.

Distriktsrådene dealing with everyday tasks such as garbage collection and urban planning. But in this election the situation is different.

pro-democracy candidates hoping to get a good choice and thus send a message to Carrie Lam and her government.

– We don’t know yet whether the democrats can ultimately secure a majority. But I hope, that the inhabitants of Hong kong can vote on Hong kong’s future, says Jimmy Sham, that makes up for the Civil Human Rights Front, which has organized some of the demonstrations against the government.

Several voters give expression to the local elections for the first time has got a meaning for them.

– In the last election was that only pro-chinese candidates in our district. This time there was also a democratic candidate. Something has changed, ” says a 26-year-old unnamed chooses to news agency dpa.
