It was already foreseeable, now it is a certainty: Rammstein will give some additional concerts to their Europe Stadium Tour 2024. Two of them were already confirmed on Monday, before the official ticket sales from Wednesday, October 18th. The band around the controversial frontman Till Lindemann (60) will play a third time in Gelsenkirchen on July 29, 2024 and also a third time in Dresden on May 18, 2024. The band announced this via Instagram.

Since Monday, October 16, 2023, members of the Rammstein fan club LIFAD have had the opportunity to purchase tickets from 11 a.m. The tour starts on May 11, 2024 in Prague and ends two days later than originally planned in the Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen. Rammstein also stops in Belgrade, Athens, San Sebastian, Marseille, Barcelona, ??Lyon, Nijmegen, Dublin, Ostend, Copenhagen, Klagenfurt and in Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Rammstein, who were founded in 1994, had been on an extensive tour since 2019, which the band interrupted in between due to the corona pandemic. The group’s tour continued in 2022 and 2023. This year the musicians performed large shows in Berlin and Munich, among other places.

However, some of the performances were overshadowed by reports from female fans and allegations against Lindemann. The singer had denied all allegations. At the end of August, investigations by the Berlin public prosecutor’s office against him were discontinued. This emerged from a press release from Lindemann’s lawyers. This decision was made “due to a lack of sufficient suspicion,” it said.

Meanwhile, Till Lindemann has also announced dates for a solo tour for the end of the year on his website: The 60-year-old will start his European tour on November 8th. In addition to stops in Germany, the singer also travels to Slovakia, Poland, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium and Great Britain, among others. The final concert is scheduled to take place in Paris on December 20th.