A sex-abused woman’s tears get now prince Andrews friends to attack the BBC.

the Friends of the prosecutor, according to the newspaper The Telegraph the tv station to take party for the woman – and thus at the same time put the Prince in a bad light.

“She was allowed to say it, she did not want to and cry a lot,” says friends of the newspaper.

in recent weeks, it has been tough to be a prince in the Uk and called Andrew for the first name.

Not enough that the deceased pædofilidømte director Jeffrey Epsteins ‘sexslave’ to stick in, that she several times was forced to have sex with the duke of York, when she was just 17 years old.

When the Prince in the middle of november lined up for a tv interview, that would put the case of the death, made it only worse.

a Few days after he was forced to resign from all his public duties and give up its protektioner.

As Virginia Roberts Giuffre, as the woman states, on Monday night came in a tearful interview on the BBC and in detail told about how she had danced close with a storsvedende prince and ago saw his performance in bed as ‘fast’ and ‘disgusting’, was the humiliation total.

The most recent time it is in other words only gone one way for the 59-year-old prince, who is often referred to as queen Elizabeth’s favourite son:


Now get it penetrated prince, however, the help of his friends, who thinks that the interview with Virginia Roberts is too uncritical.

They accuse the BBC to take sides for his alleged victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

“It was very biased. The krydsforhørte her not on the difficult topics,” says a source supposedly very close to the Prince – to The Telegraph.

the Prince’s alleged victim explained in the BBC programme ‘Panorama’ that she was ‘sex-trafficked’ to the royal by his paedophile friend, Jeffrey Epstein.

the Prince’s friends do not believe that the Prince got a fair treatment when you think of how the same tv-station grilled him.

“I think not, she was asked the critical questions, in the same way that he did,” says one of the friends to the newspaper.

the Source is missing in the way also, that the BBC had been critical of the fact that Virginia Roberts Giuffre got over a million Danish kroner for the infamous photo where she is standing close to the Prince.

A photo, as the prince claims, is manipulated.

“If the duke had received a million in relation to all of this so you would have 20 questions. They did not check for any inconsistencies, that is, by her history,” says the friend to the newspaper.

Prince Andrew has consistently denied that he has had sex with the young woman. In fact, he cannot remember that he ever met her. After the interview on Monday evening, the castle has once again stressed that the charges against the Prince are ‘false and without basis.’