A young ensemble is used in Magdeburg’s “Polizeiruf 110: Ronny” (March 19, the first). Chief Inspector Doreen Brasch (Claudia Michelsen, 54) has to investigate the missing person of ten-year-old Ronny Hartwig (Johann Barnstorf, born 2009). After the birthday party in the children’s home, he drove to his mother Sabine (Ceci Chuh, born 1991) – on the way home he disappeared without a trace.

In the course of the investigation, more and more suspects emerge: including his mother, who was once a drug addict, and the home worker Matthias Precht (Thomas Schubert, 29). Little by little, Gordon Kleinschmidt (Valentin Oppermann, born 2004), the son of the director of the home, Gaby Kleinschmidt (Maja Schöne, 47), is also being targeted. All three are embodied by grandiose and young actors and actresses.

The character Sabine Hartwig went down the wrong path, became addicted to drugs and neglected her son Ronny. This then came to the children’s home – but she wants him back. However, the young woman still seems to be overwhelmed with her life and gets caught up in contradictory statements at the beginning. But Sabine does everything to have her son back. Her desperation is almost palpable. The character of Ceci Chuh is wonderfully embodied.

She was born in 1991 and grew up in Berlin. She has already appeared in a number of television formats, including “SOKO Potsdam”, “Notruf Hafen Kante” and “Tatort: ​​Long Live Death”. She first drew attention to herself in 2007 with the film “The Undrawn Ones”. Other leading roles followed in “Sin

Matthias Precht stands out as a committed educator. He shows the kids how to fish and takes them on his boat. However, allegations of sexual abuse are raised and he too gets caught up in contradictory statements. The sensitive character is played by the Austrian actor Thomas Schubert.

He was born in Vienna in 1993 and only came into acting by chance. He was selected from around 300 applicants for the main role in “Atmen” (2011). For his acting debut he was awarded the Austrian Film Prize. Further engagements followed in formats such as “SOKO Donau” or “Die Toten vom Bodensee – Curse from the Deep”. Schubert also already has “crime scene” experience, in 2020 he could be seen in “crime scene: caught”, followed in 2021 by “police call 110: until midnight”.

Valentin Oppermann slips into the role of an aggressive and manipulative youth in “Polizeiruf 110: Ronny”. It is only during the course of the film that the viewer realizes that something is wrong with Gordon Kleinschmidt. His mother tries everything to get to him and stands protectively in front of him. However, she is also afraid of his outbursts of anger. The character presents himself as an innocent lamb and lies when it counts. Oppermann does a great job of portraying this emotionless and sadistic character in a credible way. Especially at the end, when he finds his cruel act funny and starts to laugh.

The actor was born in 2004 and has already gained some experience. Engagements in “Die Eifelpraxis” and “Das Pubertier” to “Dark” and “jerks.” he can show on his CV.