But it is presumed that all the persons who are on the island of White Island, is perished.

The police in New Zealand, in a press release.

Shortly after midnight local time – noon Danish time – informed the police that he had had made reconnaissance flights over the island – and there were ‘no signs of life’.

“the Police believe that all that could have been taken from the island alive, was rescued at the time of the evacuation,” says the press release.

“Based on the information we have, we do not believe that there are any survivors on the island.”

Since the volcano erupted on Monday afternoon local time, there were probably fewer than 50 people on the island.

23 of them were rescued and five of them have subsequently lost their lives.

It is not yet known how many people are back on the island, since it has not been possible for either the police or rescue teams to land on White Island, as it is still deemed to be too dangerous.

the Military will later send drones over the island to look at the situation.

the Volcano went after several weeks of rumbling in the outbreak on Monday afternoon at 14:11 local time.

In november raised the the authorities the alert level for an outbreak on the White Island for the two, because researchers had observed the increasing volumes of sulphur dioxide – a principal indicator of rising magma deep inside the volcano.