Even though the name suggests that ground cover is only planted at ground level, these natural weed killers are very versatile: whether in a perennial bed, along a stone wall or between the paving joints – the dense plant cover can grow anywhere and fill bare spots so that weeds don’t even sprout. And the best thing about it is: ground cover is not only practical, as many varieties are hardy and evergreen, but also beautiful to look at. Especially if you choose flowering perennials, shrubs or climbing plants. Below we present five plant carpets that are equally suitable for the garden and terrace.

The blue cushion is particularly suitable for beds and rock gardens. The evergreen ground cover blooms between April and May – and in all its glory. However, this requires that you plant a large number of cushion flowers (9 – 12 per m²) so that a blanket of plants can be created. As far as the location goes, the hardy ground cover prefers a sunny spot. Accordingly, it does not mind drought very much. Another particularly nice thing is that the blue cushion flower acts as a pasture for insects and bees, thus serving people and nature.

Ivy is known for its tenacity – and is therefore an ideal ground cover against weeds. The hardy and evergreen climbing plant is particularly easy to care for, so all you have to do is watch as the robust ivy with its adhesive roots develops into an impenetrable carpet of plants. The ground cover is also uncomplicated when it comes to location: a shady spot is sufficient. It is also good to know that after a few years, the ivy begins to form umbel-shaped flowers in late summer. These in turn serve as a source of food for bees and insects.

It is not without reason that this ground cover is called carpet phlox, because the plants develop into a beautiful (in this case bluish to purple) carpet of flowers over the course of spring – until June. The natural weed killer then remains evergreen and is therefore a beautiful sight all year round. It is also good to know that the ground cover is drought-resistant and winter-hardy, which makes it an easy-care and undemanding plant. It also prefers a sunny to semi-shady place in order to achieve its full bloom in the truest sense of the word.

Also known as Dickmännchen, the Ysander is suitable as a ground cover against weeds due to its dense root runners. The densely growing plant usually produces small white flowers around May and therefore also serves as a source of food for insects and bees; for the rest of the year it is continuously green. It is not without reason that Ysander is also called a shade green, as it thrives particularly well in partially shaded and shady places. So that weeds don’t have a chance, you should plan at least nine individual plants per square meter for the ground cover – and a maximum of twelve.

The hardy upholstery perennial is a real eye-catcher, as the flowers first appear pink between May and September and then turn white. The insect-friendly ground cover is suitable for rock gardens, but also for green areas. To ensure that the Spanish daisy spreads as quickly as possible and thus takes away the habitat from weeds, you should plant between nine and twelve plants in the soil per square meter. If possible, in a sunny location, but a partially shaded spot would also work if necessary.

If you decide to use a ground cover to combat weeds, you should take the following steps into account beforehand:

First, root weeds have a bad habit of spreading quickly through the soil, even if there are only tiny remnants of them still in the soil. It is therefore advisable to sift the soil before planting – ideally with a digging fork and a garden sieve. This way you can be confident that you haven’t overlooked any roots. To be on the safe side, you should cover the soil with some compost and wait a while to see whether the weeds start to sprout again. If this is the case, you can remove the remains before planting the ground cover.

Second: If you want to create an impenetrable carpet of flowers in a short time, you should choose the smallest possible distance between the individual plants. Because: The greater the distance, the longer it takes for the ground cover to spread over the entire area – and therefore no more weeds can grow back. As long as this is not the case, the unwanted wild herbs will of course continue to grow and will have to be weeded regularly. However, it is important that you stick to the recommended number of pieces per square meter that the relevant nursery gives you.

Third: When planting ground cover plants, remember that it takes time for them to grow together into an extensive carpet of flowers. Until then, the annoying weeds have an easy time of it – so it can make sense to plant the plants in the ground in autumn. This gives them more time to spread their roots and, by next spring, to overgrow all the places where the unwelcome wild herbs normally spread. This head start is helpful, but not necessary.

Source: My Beautiful Garden

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