It can be hard for the body to be pregnant. But what someone feels as a time associated with bubbly forventningsglæde, may for others be an uphill experience. One of them is Julia Werup, 32, which, in addition to be the Quality of the fiance also is mother to the couple’s child, Zac, who came into the world in the beginning of september.

To blogmediet to the Moon, Honey tells the poet and the singer in an open interview, how her pregnancy has affected her psyche.

For 12 years, Julia Werup been medicated with Venlafaxine, is an antidepressant medication. A drug that is recommended not to use during pregnancy, and that she had challenges with that staircase out of:

– At the beginning of the pregnancy I’m trying to cut out the medicine, but it was difficult. After two months I must give up. I start instead at a different, better-tested preparation, Sertraline, which my own doctor recommended, as well as several sessions with an authorized psychologist, and it worked.

Julia Werups first thought, for through the head on her, when she discovered her pregnancy, was just not associated with the direct happiness:

I panicked when I discovered that I was pregnant. I thought that now life was over. Now would I be anyone’s mother – could I do it?

I doubted suddenly much of myself as Canl? Bahis a woman. From one day to another my life changed. For the better, it would, however, fortunately show up, tells Julia Werup, which has been in a previous relationship, where there were also children involved.

– Thomas has been my rock, tells Julia Werup in an honest interview. Photo: Moges Flindt

Julia Werup bothered with so much uncertainty about herself and her pregnancy, the couple decided to get a private midwife, which could lead to peace and the right framework, to Julia Werup could feel safe during the birth. This resulted in that the when the woman had an experience that was both overwhelming and magical’. Therefore It is not her last, she says:

– It can not be recommended enough to get a private midwife. At home I lay in a lovely birth tub and pulled it as far as I possibly could. The contractions were so powerful and intense. My life’s most amazing experience.

– We would like to have had a home birth, but the recommendations, when taking medications is that you give birth in a hospital, as there is a risk that the child may have difficulties with breathing. So we had to go to Hvidovre Hospital. In retrospect regret I that we took at the hospital, she says.

According to Julia Werup stopped her wild life when she met Thomas Culture, and then became her life according to her, the much more ‘safe and loving’. In december, announced the couple that they had been engaged.

the Culture was forward to 2012, married with graphic designer Viola Heyn-Johnsen, as he has two children with.

the Extra Leaf has attempted to obtain a further comment from Julia Werup, but she has not yet returned to our requests.