On the Instagram page of the cancer, Oskars, from Nuremberg, was on Tuesday (9. June 2020) a sad Update posted: The seven-year-old died. “Oskar is now asleep peacefully in the night,” it says.


On the 20. March 2019 was found to be Oskar an incurable brain tumour, since of the threat of death was constantly present. An employee of inFranken.de the little family visited in January.

cancer diagnosis for Oscar: mother tells her story

That Oskar to a January sitting in the morning at the kitchen table in Nuremberg and Breakfast, is a miracle. He eats yogurt with granola and fruit. Beside him a cake with a Reindeer and fir trees, a gift from the “cake angel”. The women with cancer sick children bake cakes. On the wall, framed drawings by Oskar: Tiger and dinosaurs hang. Also on this day, he engages pins after the meal to his felt. He can hold a pen, is also a miracle. Is he the next hours, cared for by his grandmother, a dragon painting. Meanwhile, his mother is told during a walk through the fields of your story.

In the next life, a Toucan would like to, Oskar.

Oskar was a wish child. Up to the time of cancer diagnosis studied his 28-year-old mother of art education and earned her living as a freelance English teacher. She was proud of her financial independence after the separation of Oskars father. One Morning, haven’t you seen Oskars glance that something was wrong, told my mother, Janina. “A chill has me drive through.” A few days later, her son vomited many times, his eyes twisted in all directions. In the clinic the diagnosis: cancer, incurable. Oskars upcoming Training and the final examinations examination in the state – all of that was suddenly gone wide.

In a hospital bed under a homemade tent with dream catcher Oskar and his mother animals that you wanted to be in the next life, signed. Oskar painted toucans and eagles. Mother Janina had promised him: You’re going to be in another body, born again, and always with your loved one. Mother and son, painted with all of what you wanted to experience together: a flight with the hot air balloon, holidays at the seaside, have a barbecue in the mountains.

it looked in the first few days, so, as Oskar is not going to leave the intensive care unit. As he lost consciousness, whether you are locked out completely, says Janina. You’ve screamed at him: “You can’t give up! You’re the son of a lioness! Remember what we intend to do everything!” As a carer, Oskar from the hospital bed onto an operating table heave, he suddenly turned to the side and groped with his eyes closed after his plush tiger and nodded slightly. Janina is sure that she has cried her son back to life.

“Probably the most beautiful time of our lives”

whenever it was possible, leaving Oskar and his mother to the hospital to meet Oskars wishes: Oskar raced in a real race car cheering spectators over, he flew into a red hot-air balloon of the rising sun, and made a “vacation in Africa” – in a Safari Park in lower Saxony. On the plane, Oskar is not allowed to fly more. The sea saw Oskar in Cuxhaven, where he was with his mother in the children’s hospice. In the Nuremberg Zoo, stroking dolphins. “We had a mega fun time, probably the most beautiful time of our lives,” recalled Janina to the past year, in the you even from severe pain and migraine attacks was plagued.

it is Possible for all the beautiful experiences were, because a lot of people donated for Oscar’s last wishes. Oscar’s godmother had made a Instagram Story on Oskar’s disease carefully. Then the Club rallied Fans and the club francs-hilft e. V. donations for Oskar. Alone Oskars therapies cost several Thousand euros a month. Since Oskar school is medically untreatable, he takes an expensive cancer drug that is being trialled in the US and the German health insurance does not cover. In addition to his mother, “just a lot of things which allow the soul good” to him. It’s the big things that Oskar wants, but often many small: not always a day long cuddle, a green Dungarees “like a gardener”, or a Döner for lunch.

“Mama, you need to have not be afraid”

Oskar is now leading a “Prince of life”, as he says himself. He may stay up for as long as he wants and the adults put him in a pink bubble. Has other children he barely made contact. In addition to the risk of infection Janina wants to protect her son, even before the teasing. So you no longer have to go to the swimming pool, although Oscar loves the water. Because he was embarrassed that he could not swim, his mother says. She tries to live every single day with Oskar intensive. With always new words to say how much they love themselves. “Mom, you need to have no fear”, have Oskar once said to her, “my heart flies in your heart.”

as long As Oscar’s health is stable, wants to collect his mother more beautiful experiences with him. The next Plan: With the housing in the direction of the Mediterranean coast, the “doctor car, pack up the letters and drugs and just go.” They were never longer in the holiday, her first major trip was planned to Janinas state exam.

The death of children is a taboo subject

His mother holds all the wishes of the Oscars. Including things like a farm with Guinea pigs in all colors, a Sushi Restaurant open, a sibling and a trip around the world. “I met – at some point,” says Janina. If Oskar can only watch from the sky, she would like to travel to distant countries and learning how other cultures with death and sorrow. “Maybe it’s also just nice when I know I’m doing what Oscar has always wanted,” she says.

When children die, it is a taboo. Janina applied not only to the Public, to collect donations for the wishes of her son, but also to create an awareness for the topic. “I want people to have to endure!”, she says. On Instagram, she shows photos of her son before and after the onset of the disease: Only very slim with a narrow face, then with the cream puffs of the medication. In July of 2019 posted Janina on Facebook: “We can walk on the moon, but this shit does not heal!!!!!” In addition, an angry Smiley. The daughter of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, died at the age of two years, to DIPG, the same disease that is likely to end Oscar’s life. In the PCP In the

*The post “Oscar (7) dies of a brain tumor: Before he comforts his mother with the moving words” is published by inFranken.de. Contact with the executives here.
