Even during the first and the second world war was midnatsmessen on christmas eve held at the historic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

for well over 200 years, it has been a tradition, but this year it will be different, because the fair is cancelled.

It is due to the extensive damage caused by the disastrous fire in april resulted in at Notre Dame, writes TV 2 Norway.

“this is The first time since the French revolution, that there will be no midnight mass,” says the vicar Patrick Chauvet to news agency AP.

Nødløsningen the 24. december will be a midnight mass in Saint Germain l’Auxerrois, which is a stone’s throw from the cathedral.

In the church is the two-metre-high gothic sculpture from the 15th. century, ‘the Virgin from the centre of Paris, also exhibited.

It was along with other kirkeskatte rescued during the fire.

The 850 year old cathedral before the fire annually visited by 13 million people. The president of france, Emmanuel Macron, has stated that the cathedral should be rebuilt in five years.