In reality, the Virus rages on, but on the TV screen a corona reigns free world: well-Known German series want to ignore the Corona-crisis until Further notice, consistently, as a survey of the German press Agency revealed.

This applies to the “Rosenheim-Cops” in Bavaria, as well as the “urban area” in the high North, for “Good times, bad times” (GZSZ), and “storm of love” as well as “Berlin – Tag & Nacht”. “In terms of content, we do not address the Corona current,” according to a spokesperson for the Ufa, on request. The Ufa, for example, produces the soap Opera-duration burner “Among Us” and “GZSZ”, where straight to series character, Alexander, is mourned – with a lot of distance, and without the comforting hugs.

“viewers behave ekapistisch”

A case is not – quite the contrary. All requested series want to exactly procedures: pandemic? What Is The Pandemic? The management of “Studio Hamburg”, produced by the Hamburg classic, “big city area” and the Telenovela “Red roses”, informs, “that the Covid-19 pandemic will play no role in the screenplays and stories” and called reasons: “first, viewers eskapist behave and not want to be confronted in fictional formats with the reality,” it says. “Secondly, a series of repertoire are capable of, that is, they are used as replicates to other transmission places in a few years, if – hopefully – no Corona more.”

On the rotation of the Corona has great impact. Strict hygiene plans were drawn up, there must be a lot of distance between the actors. In the case of the “Rosenheim-Cops” was even rebuilt the Set. And in some series, the samples with masks instead of find. But then turned without. In the final result, you should not see the masks, the shape of reality, in the meantime, the city’s image. Bojan Ritan/ZDF/dpa distance, keep up with The cast of the Rosenheim Cops” to resume filming in June

“half An hour of time out of Corona”

“We made a conscious decision to provide our audience with a half hour break from the topic of Corona, and this is not therefore in ‘Dahoam is Dahoam’ in terms of content”, the Bayerische Rundfunk on request to its success soap Opera. “A lot of positive reactions from viewers on the net encourage us in this decision.”

RTLzwei leads, especially for very practical reasons why the Virus is also in the “Berlin – day & night” or “Cologne 50667”, shows that are “Reality-Soaps”, do not play a role: In the case of production heats of up to eight weeks is simply not possible. From the table, the topic is not the case, but stressed a spokesman. “So we assist with the “Cologne 50667”, for example, the Bavarian state Ministry for health and care in the elucidation of the Corona pandemic. Away from the series content, but on all relevant platforms and with great success.“

Bavaria Fiction, the “produce The Rosenheim-Cops” and “storm of love”, share: “A pandemic does not fit the content to the alignment of the two series.” Therefore, Corona is not taking place there. “‘Storm of love’ is a well-told fairy tale; ‘The Rosenheim-Cops’ set with wit and charm in front of the picturesque backdrop of the Alpine foothills to the villains of the craft.” In both series, the viewers should switch off “from everyday life and into a fictional world, the Worries and troubles of the real world will stay outside.” To work Christof Arnold/ARD/dpa sample shots “storm of love” by the end of June – when the actual rotation protection turned

“it was then, without a Mouth Fictional offers must-see”

F”The Central consumer needs, addressing many of the Fiction series, is that of escapism: watching want to escape from your real world with all the annoying Details and restrictions,” says Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Professor of Marketing and media at the westfälische Wilhelms-University in Münster.

in this respect, the series creators have with your approach is probably right, so the researchers. Entirely risk-free not but. “We realize that social distance and masks are increasingly becoming a part of our everyday life, so that fictional offerings have to be careful that you are not seen by the audience as unrealistic.”

The “Linden street” there is no more holding

In the case of the series “Um Himmels Willen”, “The mountain doctor” and “The mountain rescuers”, all of which are produced by the company’s ndf, the books simply already finished, and thus there is no more space for Corona was, as managing Director Matthias Walther says. Whether the stories should continue to be corona-free, leaves it open. “Maybe the Whole one day is a topic that depends on the sure of, the further development of this pandemic.”

The Hamburg-based media scholar Joan K. Bleicher sees a lack of flexibility, the structure is due to: “series to create a closed fictional narrative worlds in which references to current events little space. Also, the long-term production makes it difficult to be able to in the short term, phenomena such as Corona react,“ she says. “The only German long-term time series, which reacted regularly on developments in society, the ‘Linden street’.” More News from the world of culture and entertainment

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