Dialogue with the UNITED states is a trick from AMERICA’s side, only to serve a domestic political agenda, think north Korea.

nuclear Disarmament is taken of the negotiating table, and there is no longer any need for long negotiations with the UNITED states.

It says North korea’s UN ambassador, Kim Song, on Saturday.

nuclear Disarmament has been central in the american engagement with north Korea over the past two years.

In a message says the north Korean united nations ambassador, that the “persistent and significant dialogue” that the UNITED states wants is a “trick, which should save time”, so it fits into a domestic political agenda.

It is apparently a reference to president Donald Trump is trying to be re-elected in 2020.

– We do not need to have lengthy negotiations with the UNITED states now, and nuclear disarmament has already been taken of the table, says Kim Song in a message.

north Koreans have previously expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the UNITED states does not offer sufficient concessions in return for nuclear disarmament.

Among other things, will north Korea have eased of the comprehensive sanctions, the country is subject to.

north Korea has set a deadline at the end of the year and want to see a change in the american approach before then.

North korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un, has warned that he can choose a “new path” for the next year. It has aroused new concern that north Korea will resume the testing of nuclear missiles and long-range missiles, which have been suspended since 2017.

Trump and Kim Jong-un has met three times since June 2018, but there is no progress in the negotiations. On the contrary, is the rhetoric in recent days has been increased.

on Friday, had the Trump a half-hour long telephone conversation with his south Korean counterpart, Moon Jae-in, where they discussed the diplomatic efforts against north Korea.

The two leaders agree that the situation is “serious”, and that “the momentum in the dialogue must be maintained in order to achieve fast results of the negotiations on nuclear disarmament”, it said Friday from south Korea.
