In recent years, “digital detox” has always been a big topic. The goal is usually to spend less time in front of screens, especially the smartphone display. A holiday in particular might be a good time to put the cell phone aside. But many Germans don’t seem to see it that way. A third would rather go on holiday without friends or family than without their smartphone. This is the result of a new study commissioned by the digital association Bitkom, for which almost 1,000 people aged 16 and over in Germany were surveyed.

33 percent of the people surveyed, who generally go on vacation and own a smartphone, stated that they would rather do without loved ones than their cell phone. The willingness to leave the smartphone at home, if a decision had to be made, obviously increases with age. Among the 16 to 29 year olds, 37 percent would travel without friends – among the over 64 year olds with 18 percent still almost a fifth.

No one stated that they deliberately and voluntarily did not take their smartphone with them on vacation. On the contrary: 18 percent of those surveyed said they used the device more often on their days off than in everyday life. A good third, around 29 percent, would also be less annoyed about losing their luggage on the trip to their holiday destination than their smartphone.

Many people also install apps on their devices especially for the holidays. After all, the possible uses are manifold. Look up routes, check travel connections, convert currencies, find restaurants, book accommodation, translate foreign languages…

According to the survey, 38 percent install special apps for their vacation, including travel guides. Younger generations in particular do not want to do without help via smartphone. Among the 16 to 29 year olds it is 46 percent, among the over 64 year olds only 14 percent. Nick Kriegskotte, Head of Infrastructure, believes that the smartphone is “increasingly becoming an essential travel center when on the road”.