There are big chances, and then there are really big chances.

Friday night was FC north Zealand, Mikkel Damsgaard so one, which may fall under category number two.

After just 10 minutes of League draw against Randers FC was stortalentet namely, the served ball a few metres from the target, to what looked like a sure scoring.

But no.

On the absolutely wonderful show got Damsgaard sent the ball on to the crossbar and not in the Betvole almost empty goal.

The 19-year-old Zealand-playing irked him well and truly over, that he could not bring his team on the front of the home in Farum.

Thus, there will continue to be 0-0 after a first half dominated by the hosts.

There are important points at stake Friday night when northern Zealand with a victory brings himself closer to the top six, while kronjyderne with three points, distancing themselves from FCN and for the severity of the swirls into the battle to finish in the top six.

You can follow the rest of the showdown in the LIVE blog right HERE.