China will ensure that the phone users are registered under the real names with the requirement for scanning of the face.

From the Sunday new telephone users in China expect to get their face scanned, so that their identity can be verified.

According to the country’s authority for the information technology demands of China from Sunday, that the phone companies collect scans of faces, when the new phone users registered in the shops.

the initiative was announced in september, the chinese ministry of information technology issued a notice on the new rules with the face.

Here, it appeared that telecommunications companies must use “artificial intelligence and other technologies to verify people’s identities when they get a new phone number.

A representative from the phone company China Unicoms customer service Bahsegel department provides information to the AFP news agency that the rules mean that customers who register a new phone number, maybe we should record themselves turning their head and blink.

– In the next step our ministry to continue to … increase monitoring and control … and strictly promote the processing of the registration of real names for users of phones, the sounds in the communication of september.

already, the chinese government has introduced rules on that id-card is connected to phone numbers. And the technology with the face detection used in advance in the country at everything from shopping in supermarkets to monitor.

Chinese users on social media have reacted with a mix of support and concern over this new approach with the face. Some airs concern that their data can be leaked or sold.

– It is a bit too much, writes a user on the Twitter-like Weibo in a comment to an article on the new rules.

– Control and then more control, writes another.

While scientists have warned about the privatmæssige risks with the collection of data from face recognition, so consumers have to a large extent embraced the new technology. However, China has got its first action on the face detection in the last month.

In the beginning of november, a chinese professer a complaint about a safari park in Hangzhou in the eastern province of Zhejiang to require ansigtsskanning to get into the park.
