the Year is about to go on the pour. But for landsholdsstjernerne it’s far from over yet.

as always features the year’s last month on a håndboldslutrunde, and this year is the WORLD cup.

Why has B. T. talked with several of the profiles in this year’s big event.

And the question is very simple – come on, how their 2019 has been.

“It has been very mixed. There have been a great many cool things. A slightly disappointing season on the klubplan in relation to, we are not stood at the top of the Megabahis podium, as we would like.”

“But a 2019 where I have been allowed to play in the Champions League, have had many cool battles on klubplan, and it has landsholdsmæssigt been a fat year. We have had a lot of cool collections, and we have not played so many matches, but we have had insanely many good workouts, and had time to just be us and focus on us.”

“The matches we have played, there is much gone up in a higher unity. We have shown something of the potential, as in (journalists, ed.) enough especially have been lacking, when we look back at the previous championships. It is a little mixed, but I stand here to the end of the year with a really good feeling inside.”

“This year has gone fast. I remember it started a little hard with the way the season ended. It did extremely hurt, and I was extremely disappointed. The season ran well, and it was really annoying and hard, it so was cut short by a concussion. It is mentally hard not to have a plan but just have to wait and see every day.”

“So I came on vacation and had a really good holiday, where I was in four different countries and chose to give priority to travel very much, so I have many good memories. First, I walked into Austria for a week with Mie (Højlund, eds.), so I was on Ibiza, together with Mie, too, and then I had two weeks on the Island with another friend. We had a week where we had rented a car in Reykjavik and drove around, and then I was a week on horseback. It is one of the greatest experiences I have had.”

“I’m looking back on a season that can make one stronger. You can learn a lot of it here this year. I think I have developed myself both on the field and off the field. There have been many things in this year, which I appreciate.”

“I think, my year of 2019 has been really good. It has been full of experiences and good handball and learning. So I think, I have had some great experiences with family and friends. It really has been a good year.”

“off the field, I have had some trips with Althea, which really has given me a lot of energy.”

“I feel we have come a long way on this team (the national team, red.). Both socially and on the field, we have developed insanely much. The feeling I go with now before we take off is mega good. We have it good in the squad. Hopefully we can radiate it to the track, that we have it good here. It seems to me all excited, and it helps you know too.”

“the Decision to go abroad is sharpest. It has been super cool. I don’t regret it a single second. It has been beyond all expectations. Now I have also easy to the enthusiasm, so it may well be, if you ask me about three months, I’m way down in the kulkælderen.”

“It has really been awesome and mega challenging at the same time to learn a new language and a new culture to know and see you can play handball in a completely different way and take some good things home with you, but also give them something from Denmark.”

“I’ve got a girlfriend in the summer, as I’m fair in love with. He is not moved to France, but he has been down to visit me many times.”

“It has been exciting. It has welcomed a new country in the form of France, a new culture. I have been 30. A lot has happened.”

“It has been a great experience to move abroad. It has been insanely fat. It’s hard to explain, but it is very different. It has been good for me also in relation to challenge myself on other parameters – also mentally.”

“In Viborg, it was eventually very locked in frames and boxes. I was very excited up in the body instead of just to enjoy it and seems, the handball was the coolest and the funniest. I feel better when I have the joy and not too tense.”

“I have not done much different. If one plays well and performs, then it is the best way to prove and the best ticket to a WORLD championship.”

“So I’m of course really happy and grateful, that I must.” the

“I think not, there is something I have done better than last year. I train hard, and we as a team play well in Hungary.”

“It’s gone fine. We have managed to develop ourselves more in Odense and has managed to be more interaction.”

“We have had some really good matches, but of course also less good matches. We’ve lost a little fighting, but it does not so much right now, since it is the start of the season.”

“I’m a little nummerfikseret – I don’t know where it comes from – and don’t like odd years and had not counted on, it would be a good year. But it seems I actually, it has been.”

“Both personally, for it fills too much in everything that is going on around me, but also in relation to what is happening with this team. It seems I have been a positive one. We started with a sluggish match against Norway, but from there it has been a positive one. The mood around the team, the we have made us and the way we have been together on and some of the things we’ve done have been super cool.”

“I’ve had more focus on my own constitution in relation to the finals. In the course of a year it is mixed, how much work I have, but I can also just notice, when I’m to the finals, it’s hard. The better shape I’m in, and the better I eat, the more clear, in the shell I also, when I need to talk to you (journalists, ed.) and act in relation to the players. I have been focusing on and has been even better. I can feel a difference. Where I have fluctuated in weight, I now that, I would like to.”

this Year’s finals will be played in the japanese Kumamoto, and you can follow the matches LIVE here on