American family photo is often filled with the really big smile. Fake as well as genuine. But that is the UNITED states’first lady, Melania Trump, not.

Side by Side with her husband, Donald Trump becoming Melania often photographed with an icy gaze off in the distance. And to the author Kate Bennett, who has just published the unauthorized biography ‘Free Melania’, explains Melania Trump itself:

“I faker not. I don’t belong to the type who smiles or seems as if she smiles, just because there is a camera nearby.”

In his new book, sawyer and Kate Bennett in behind the Melania-myth.

As a journalist for CNN covering Kate Bennett for several years, Donald Trumps campaign. Aboard the private Trump-aircraft traveled Bennett thus, along with the præsidentparret. She had several conversations with both the president and the first lady. And in his research for this book, traveled Kate Bennett bl.a. to Melanias slovenian hometown, Sevnica, in the former Yugoslavia.

And it was here, Kate Bennett found the background for what many describe as Melania Trumps little stoic appearance.

‘Melania grew up under a communist regime. And in the former Yugoslavia and the current Slovenia scores you no extra points at that smile for no reason. It is a very sober community, from the government side were invited to have respect, be humble and keep my head bowed,’ writes Kate Bennett.

According to Bennett was Murdered, there dengag still called Knavs to surname, very close to his older sister, Ines, who today also lives in the UNITED states. Together they had two sisters, however, find it difficult to comply with another unwritten slovenian rule, which (according to the book) called on all to suppress any form of individualism.

“Ines and Melania was just like all the children filled with dreams and fantasies. And as daughters of a colorful kjolesyerske they learned to let their attire speak its own clear language,” says Bennett.

According to the book, this was a talent and a technique that Melania Trump has taken with him in The White House.

After the so-called ‘Pussy-tape’ were revealed in the press (a few weeks before the elections in 2016), met Melania so up in pink spadsererdragt with their big loop.

In private had Melania Trump udskældt Donald Trump for his boasting of how willing women are, when it (he) is rich and famous. But the action seemed Melania the clothes talk. Thus, as many Melanias pink bow as a sort of ‘pussy-bow’, the very same påklædningsgenstand, that in the months after became a symbol of the new #Meto-movement.

When Donald Trump for ‘Pussy-tape-scandal realized, that he was forced to give a public apology, was Melania Trump, according to the ‘Free Melania’ called to stand at his side.

Like many other american politician, first ladies before her had Murdered look admiringly at her repentant husband, who looked directly into the camera while he apologized. But Melania refused pure.

She was angry and disappointed. And according to Kate Bennett had the future first lady is not in the heart of the ‘fake’ anything.

the Compromise was u.s. the new book, to Melania Trump would be present during filming, as a sort of moral support.