Less cars, more space for citizens. This is the Motto of a local resident wants to turn a Parking lot under the thunder mountain bridge in a skater Park.

A Parking lot under the thunder mountain bridge is supposed to be a skate Park. Trouble there could be, because of this coveted car Parking spaces would be eliminated.
The Committee has encouraged the city to examine the feasibility of the project.

Munich Willy Astor has been dedicated to the thunder mountain bridge already over 25 years ago, an ironic love song. the “donnersberger brück’n whistle out of the last hole, you Golden Gate for arms” : So the musician has sung the praises of the grey giants. Beautiful, the bridge has become since then – and the same applies to the Parking lot below. About the conversion of the city district politicians make longer thoughts. Now a local resident has to trigger presented in the district Committee (BA) schwanthaler höhe a project idea for which there was much agreement, but it is surely the stuff of Controversy: He hits a leisure and skate Park with greening under the bridge before. Trouble there could be, because of this coveted car Parking spaces would be eliminated.

+ how it looks under the thunder mountain bridge-to-date.©Astrid Schmidhuber

“come On, I am, as I have talked with my neighbors. the We find that in our area there are too little Green , “ says architect Flavio Cucina. “We also talked about the fact that you could use the space under the bridge is better – because the idea of an indoor skate parks came to me.” This is to be built on the South side of the bridge at the junction to Landsberger Straße. the To just under 1000 square metres could> youth sports </strong engage in , without disturbing local residents. Combining the installation with plants that clean the air. In collaboration with the Association Green City the concept of climbing plants like hops on the outside of the Park. A couple of Park possibilities, with a number of E-charging stations. To make the neighborhood more attractive and enhance living quality.

skate Park under the Donnersberger bridge? Soft would have to heavily used Parking

in addition, the Association also supports a skating Association the project. But so Far, this is all just an idea. Soft must for heavily used Parking lots. The BA Chairman, Sibylle Stöhr (Green) says: “The project is very much in the sense of a sustainable, green city policy: cars get out of the city and better place to stay life areas!” Whether a skate Park, however, would be the right solution, that there is doubt in the BA.

“Under the bridge is not only the Emissions very high, but also the noise pollution,” says Ulrike Boesser (SPD). “Because I do not believe that we will require in the next five years on electric mobility .” Nevertheless, the BA has suggested to the town to check the feasibility of the project. A request of our newspaper, the municipal administration remained in use until the editorial deadline unanswered. The BA had also suggested that we should consider further proposals for the use. Perhaps Willy Astor is the Text of his very special love song, yet to be described.

Vincent Suppé and Laura Felbinger

In a tragic accident in Munich has moved to a 15-Year-old serious injuries. He was previously crashed at the angel of peace.

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