Slowly, it is full in the sky. The planes lift off again. But how to fly in the Virus-2020 feels? We have made the Test: Munich-Hamburg and back.

The airplanes lift again. How does it feel to fly in the Virus-2020? We have made the Test : Munich-Hamburg and back. With mask, tomato and Mozzarella, and a completely new Board feel.

Munich – In times, in which uncertainty is part of everyday life, it is never wrong, on the simple things of life be noted. I’m sitting in the Lufthansa flight 2061 from Hamburg to Munich, at the window. The Mouth guard is sitting on my nose. It goes in the air, but before that, the flight attendant makes an announcement: “The mask should be removed during eating and drinking” , warbling in for years eingeübtem flight attendants-sing sang. “And please note that we are located on a non-Smoking flight.”

The freedom above the clouds already limitless, but Complaining does not help. It is Corona , the air traffic is restricted and the fear of contagion is still high. In addition, the mask may be removed in the next announcement, if there is an emergency and oxygen masks falling from the ceiling. Otherwise, however, is not. On Board and at the airport mask are compulsory. the Only in the case of danger to life, Hunger and thirst, there are exceptions. the Shorter the year 2020 is difficult to summarize.

Munich airport: a self-experiment to Corona-times

In a plane you can get to know people a bit better than elsewhere. It is close and escape is impossible – as well as to Comply with the distance rule of one and a half meters. But everyone who goes knows. “No Stress,” says a business man, watching a woman with black glitter mask and matching glitter Sweater, as you put awkward your jacket in the Luggage rack. “I just need to be in the next series.” the Like with raw eggs, so the passengers to go together. But this must not be a Bad thing.

+ The mask output.©Marcus sleeping

fly in Corona times: “people are friendly to each other”

Maik Jaskolka Purser, that is to say, is the head flight attendant. When Boarding, he distributed today, hand sanitizer wipes Packed to each passenger, now he says: “The climate is different. The people are friendly to each other. It’s all slowed down a lot. The aggression is completely gone.“ the is tailgating, no one, No one scolds , because the hand Luggage compartment is full. “It became nice,” says Jaskolka. “Flying is so, was how it used to be .” Flying is suddenly a little out of the ordinary, but also a bit lonely. At Munich airport,* it is empty, empty, empty. Only one Terminal is in operation. Most of the shops and Restaurants are still closed. the waiting times there is nowhere to go. For it into a beverage dispenser, in which you can now disinfecting wipes, cleaning hand gel, and a three-layer mouth-and-nose masks to buy are everywhere. Ten Pieces, 15 Euro.

boarding the plane, everything goes a bit slower, trying to be considerate to each other. However, no one speaks. The masks in almost every communication . Gone are the days in which one rattles the plane a tomato juice forever with a random acquaintance. This is due to the evil aerosols, which aims to emit no direction in addition to seater. And the fact that there is in the Economy Class is no tomato juice, only carbonated water from the plastic bottle. To avoid unnecessary contacts, it says.

The usual beverage service there is for Lufthansa only flights, which last about 150 minutes. Food in Economy Class only on flights longer than two and a half hours. In Business Class, however, everything is at the Old Corona is a great equalizer, but not everywhere. Today, there are tomato and Mozzarella, a cupcake and a Praline. You may all consume maskenlos. With the Business seat they paid for a couple of minutes, the mouth of freedom.

Who has a great fear of the Virus that will not do

Both on the outbound flight from Munich to Hamburg as well as the return flight the plane is not full. Many of the middle seats remain empty, but not all. It must adjust to, especially when the holiday season begins. the Lufthansa, in the middle seat remains empty, even if the plane is empty. The airline says that it could not otherwise fly profitably, if not all the places may not be sold. I’m lucky, the Middle seat is free. But in front of me, three passengers sit during the flight right next to each other. Who has a great fear of the Virus that will not do this. Normality these days has its price.

+ to fly in Corona times: Always with a mask.©Marcus sleep

The Lufthansa Crew is after weeks of uncertainty and the short-time work, happy that the planes fill up again. “The sky is empty, the Terminals are empty, but if it is in the air, then it is a wonderful feeling,” says Paul Helmeth. He is one of the pilots with whom I fly today. He was allowed to last taxes only every few weeks, a plane. the In München, start currently there are 700 Lufthansa-flights-per-week, in front of the Corona-crisis, there were almost four times as many. “I hope that I can fly in two to three weeks,” says Helmeth.

“All are glad, that we fly ever again”

Hardly any other industry has crumbled, the Virus as much as air travel. Each flight is a spark of hope. the “are All glad that we fly ever again” , says Thomas Lindner. He is the captain that I had on the outbound flight. “The fly is a piece of our life,” says Shirley Elpers. She is a flight attendant, she’s wearing a mask and plastic gloves. “It is a challenge to Board. But to do it.“

After an hour flight I’m back in Munich. the “We would like to thank you for your participation by Wearing the mask” , says the flight attendant into the microphone, while the machine rolls out. A passenger gets next to me a call. “It was actually as always,” he says into the phone. “It didn’t fill even funny.”

Crazy times. Now you will be asked shortly after the landing, as it was on Board an aircraft. Man learns to fly just new. Captain Helmeth says: “The passengers are happy. I can see in your eyes.“ This is perhaps a bit exaggerated. But there’s no harm done. I’m getting out.

Munich, 18 degrees, rain. The mask is still in place.

Stefan Sessler

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network. Here you will find everything for 3. Runway at Munich airport and the reviews for the Airport.