Coronavirus in Germany: The number of new infections is increasing, the R-value is an important limit again. All the info in the News Ticker.

The Corona the case numbers in Germany will rise again. The R-value is increased above one. Hotspots in Berlin, Göttingen, and Gütersloh have a great influence on the values of the entire Republic . Here you will find the basic facts for Coronavirus * and the current event in Germany as a card*. Currently, the following recommendations to Corona-protection measures *. All the information on there is also on our Facebook page Corona News.

Update from the 20. June, 18.57 PM: To Göttingen 700 residents of a large apartment complex under quarantine. Since Thursday, they are closed completely. No one is allowed to leave the building. Nearly 120 of the part under precarious circumstances, living people have been tested according to the information of the city of positive effect on the Coronavirus .

On Saturday afternoon, some of them lost the nerve. The quarantine were, apparently, in the meantime, just too much for you. Several residents had tried to come from the area, reports the German press Agency with reference to information of the police. The agitated residents are reported to have tried to overcome the by the authorities erected fences .

The displeasure was directed but against the police officers . Out of the building items on you has been. the Several police officers were injured .

at The same time took place in the immediate vicinity of the high house a large Demonstration against rising Rents . Actually, she was logged on to a different location, but was moved in the short term there. In the early evening, the mood around the quarantine was complex to calm down, report to police and eyewitnesses. the mayor Rolf-Georg Köhler (SPD) was in the meantime pushed and the contact with the inhabitants of .

+ police use in front of a high-rise building in Göttingen, Germany.©picture alliance/dpa / Swen Pförtner

Coronavirus in Germany: Several new Hotspots alert – the R-value important border

first message from the 20. June, 16.06 PM: Munich – For months, the Coronavirus pandemic determined life in Germany and almost anywhere in the world*. The situation seems to be to relax to, but setbacks do not, unfortunately-from . The large Corona outbreaks around the factory of sausage-producer Clemens toennies, and co-founder of refugee accommodation, a complex of buildings in Göttingen, and in several of Berlin’s residential blocks make for alarming Numbers . Such local accumulations affect the R-value. An explanation for the General increase in case they are not, however, warns the RKI.

Coronavirus in Germany: case numbers are rising – more people are stuck on

The R-value in Germany* rose, in the meantime, the 1,06 . A value above one means that flooring . The 7-days-R-value even at 1.17. The authorities have identified 601 new cases compared to the previous day. 20. July were tested in Germany, in the meantime, 189.135 people a positive effect on Sars-CoV-2 . Died after an illness, to information from the Robert Koch Institute according to 8.883 people.

Corona Hotspots in Germany – large outbreaks in Berlin, NRW and Hessen

The increase in case numbers * explain the three Hotspots , the Corona location , is not excited everywhere so. In Bavaria,* in the meantime, seems to make even a little relief wide. In Berlin district of Neukölln are about 370 households under quarantine. The General relaxations* a large outbreak here was the prompt occurred. The local District mayor defendant a legacy of the discipline, the Corona-rules to comply with .

The developments in the Tönnies plant in the district of Gütersloh led to schools and daycare centers were closed. A nationwide Lockdown of the Region* the regional government no longer excludes the ceiling. On Sunday, wants to advise the relevant Cabinet in a special session and the situation re-evaluate.

In Kassel already on Thursday 20 cases in only a dwelling-house known. This is a refugee property. The inhabitants live on very small space and so could there spread *. The RKI had already been warned previously, the circumstances of life Fugitive to be just at the time of Corona so hardly portable. All the inhabitants now remain two weeks in quarantine .

* is part of the Federal-wide editorial network of Ippen-Digital.

section list image:©picture alliance/dpa / Swen Pförtner