In the operation center in Munich, an unusual emergency call was. It is a drama started tables-and-rescue action that went beyond the country’s borders.

emergency to Munich led to an unusual use. The use led beyond the border. It is a drama started tables rescue operation .

Munich An unusual emergency was recently Munich – and sparked off a rescue operation in the far distance from. Its the beginning of the incident took place in Slovenia : A woman was there on Monday (22. June) in the Triglav national Park for mountain climbing slipped.

the fire Department Munich tells, called the companion, the accident , then to his brother in the Bavarian capital. This contacted on Monday afternoon, the Munich operations centre.

Munich: emergency and unusual use of dissolves – he goes beyond the country’s borders

From the ops room was finally made, the competent police in Slovenia (about 350 miles away) to locate and alert the professional fire brigade Munich.

The accident woman had been to climb the mountain Jalovec in the national Park . When you Overcome a snow-field, they had apparently lost the Grip and slipped. She was left lying in a field of debris and had suffered a cut head and a breach on the leg part.

To the emergency in Munich: the rescue action in the Triglav national Park in Slovenia

Due to the difficult weather situation on the ground is a Helicopter rescue in Triglav national Park was not possible. Therefore, the alerted mountain rescue rose to the injured. Since descent was in the dark, it can be done safely, and spent the rescue workers together with the Berg boost the night in a makeshift accommodation. On Tuesday Morning (23. June) was worn by the women of the helpers of the valley, where it was flown with a helicopter in a hospital . (nema)

The message of the fire brigade in the wording:

“A woman was on the way to climb the mountain Jalovec, which is located in the Triglav national Park of Slovenia. When you Overcome a snow field, she lost the Grip and slipped, until she was lying on a scree field. It suffered a wound to the head and the leg was injured. In his Distress, her companion reported the Events to his brother in Munich. Of those contacted, in turn, the 112 and reported the incident to the Integrated control center in Munich. After the dispatcher had collected all the necessary information, he tried to make a contact in Slovenia to find. Through the tourist info national Park, the competent police Department could be found quickly. Immediately the forces were alerted on the ground. A helicopter was used due to the difficult weather situation is not possible, so that the alerted mountain rescue to the victims, Mrs climb. Since descent was in the dark, it can be done safely, and spent the rescue forces together with the mountain, the night increase in a makeshift accommodation. In the Morning the woman of the helpers was carried into the valley, where she was flown by helicopter to a hospital.“

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.