Since its 20 years ago, published in the cinema, The internal security, “debut” is Christian Petzold the most important German Directors of the present. In almost all of his films, Nina Hoss played the main role, but at last he was with Paula Beer, and Franz Rogowski, two new, fascinating performers. According to “Transit” (2018) worked with the Trio for “Undine” (cinema start: 2. July), a very free arrangement of the old myth of a malevolent water spirit. Petzold’s Film moved the Forecast to the Berlin of today, and makes Undine a town leader, sets up against the imposed curse, to have her boyfriend kill, to defend. On the edge of the Berlinale, where “Undine”, celebrated in February Premiere, spoke Petzold about his main characters, about the fascination of the water and over the German capital. “Berlin does not love,” he says.

/Matthias Nareyek Teleschau

teleschau: Mr. Petzold, her new Film is based on the myth of the water spirit Undine. What do you associate with the Element of water?

Petzold: There is a movie phrase that I hate: again, I want to see the sea. I understand, however, that people want to see the sea. In my Film, “internal security” there is a little “Moby Dick”scene: a publisher says that people always if you do not know more, go to a body of water, a river, a lake or the sea. The sense to me. The cinema loves the sea. Water is the Element from which we come and in which we find consolation, or our origin. In my Film “dead man,” the actress Nina Hoss out of the pool and walks past the man, she seduces because she wants to go to his documents. Nina and I have talked a lot about nymphs and sirens, Heinrich Heine, and the Rhine, on the shipwrecked, on Odysseus, and Undine. This theme was always in my head.

teleschau: How do you developed into a feature Film?

Petzold: I had already written a little “Undine”-scene for a Film that came to be. Containing the scene with the Central dialogue: “If you leave me, I need to kill you.” – “If I return in half an hour, will you take me in your arms and say that I’m always in love.” – “If you leave, you must die.” I wanted this Wishy-Washy love stories – “I got a met and make a time circuit” or “I’ve got only one life” – this Tinder stuff and his world, something Rigorous to counter it.

teleschau: what is the connection between “Undine” and her last Film “Transit” together? In both films, Paula Beer and Franz Rogowski play the main roles …

Petzold: In “Transit” is drowned, Paula Beer as Marie probably in a shipwreck, and he, though in the utmost danger, be waiting still at the port, whether she comes back not as a castaway, or as the Dead from the underworld. At the time, I’ve seen both of these actors and their style, how they play, just met. And with Play I mean Play. They danced their characters. You were able to go. If the take in the arms, I did not feel that they need us. We may imagine and produce something, because we watch it. Make no advertising for love.

teleschau: How they convinced the two to turn together again?

Petzold: our 25. “Transit”-day of shooting I set the two to a table, and we felt all three of these mourning because of the shooting on the end approached. I reminded me of the “Undine”story and said I had a new fabric, but only had these few sentences. But I have told so well that I got your attention. I improvised with the shipwrecked Marie, who comes from the sea, looking for him on Land, and the history of this industry diver goes into the water and Marie is looking for. So the love story could go on positively more.

teleschau: “Transit” with its follow-up film “Undine” a very different sense. There are substances that you would not occupy otherwise than by Beer and Rogowski?

Petzold: That is so. The two fabrics that come to me in the first place. I’m not like other Directors, I don’t have a closet full of ideas. I develop my ideas, while I tell something, or experience. The way the two in the case of “Transit” have begun to love, and this love was pointless, because she loves a dead man and he is a Living, love the dead, yeah impossible. As I thought about it, came to the next story.

/Andreas Rentz tele show “The Brandenburg gate? This is ridiculous.”

teleschau: do you Know the other performers?

Petzold: That was with Nina Hoss, too. I always thought about you: a Queen in exile. She’s not as upright, which belongs not to this world. Like a Stranger, she looks at everything and wonders: What am I doing here and what do you have? As an Alien, in a good way. Similar to Jeff Bridges in “Starman”: The coming on the earth, and wonders about what the people are doing here. John Carpenter had the Aliens in the Film in space, a capsule and discover, the H-minor mass of Bach, paintings by Picasso and Monet, in Hegel’s philosophy. Find this capsule and think, ‘ This earth is the Hammer. Starman comes to earth and sees that this is the way he has envisioned it. Similar to Starman Nina Hoss goes through your movies. Your characters can just go through the GDR, such as the post-fascist Berlin. So we could make a whole series of movies. This happens to me also with Franz and Paula. The two perform with each other something that goes beyond what I can imagine.

teleschau: you here tell more of a story over several movies. You don’t make it for the first Time.

Petzold: In the case of Nina Hoss and me has kept the eleven years, six films and a theatre piece. That is a lot! We will record the work for sure again sometime in the future. Also the story with Paula and Franz goes on.

teleschau: “Undine” keeps the mood of the film from beginning to end, with a tangible melancholy, not dripping, but it truly is. It needs for this melancholy the city of Berlin?

Petzold: I live in Berlin. And in Berlin you don’t love. The Highest, which says a Berlin as a praise is that Since you can not complain. That’s how it is. I like that, too. The city has difficulties to produce images of themselves. Paris has a picture, self-Görlitz has a picture of himself. And Berlin? The Brandenburg Gate? This is ridiculous. But Berlin has something else, you can develop the love for the city, a sense for the city to develop a hate or passion. Paula Beers Undine is a figure of romance, the need to go around as to Say – and fantasy figure in a city that gets rid of your past, of your spell.

teleschau: Where in Berlin you will take this?

Petzold: What and how in Berlin is built, is a disaster. Pure Mass Production. There were people sitting on the have no feeling, that a town needs to grow a city organically. Here you can not only build residential houses in a Retro Style. Undine is a character who needs to quarries, marshy areas. Areas of fear where people are saying in the night: There I go, there’s something. Dogs shun a piece because you feel it. Such secrets, and such a spell needed a city. It is also Vacant and in ruins, Dilapidated broke. All of that is pushed away in Berlin. Thus, Undine’s habitat is destroyed. This destruction of the spell Undine can tell in the movie as the town historian. Franz and Paula make it in the Film but, to enchanted places. An Airbnb Apartment with a terrible noise and views will be suddenly beautiful. As the Apartment would set a bucket under the water and the two swim in it.

teleschau: it is the cinema?

Petzold: I’m from Düsseldorf, such as the Band power station. The have a Song called “neon light”. In it they sing “When the night falls, this city of light neon light”. The beauty of a road junction in the neon light, with traffic lights, the switch for themselves, reminiscent of paintings by Edward Hopper. Also the images of Antonioni, Turin and Milan make it to charm in the cities. This is what makes the movie. As soon as the cinema makes only films in Scenes, is the Retro Shit.

Schramm Film/ Marco Krüger tele show

*The contribution of “films”in Scenes, the is Retro Shit”” is published by the tele look. Contact with the executives here.

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