Paris Hilton’s first son Phoenix Barron Hilton Reum was born in January. She and her husband kept the whole pregnancy private, which was easy since the little one was carried by a surrogate and not by Paris herself.
In an interview with Glamor magazine, Paris Hilton has now revealed the reason why she decided against pregnancy and for a surrogate mother. She also explains why this will also be the case if you want to have more children. Her friend Kim Kardashian gave her the idea of ??using a surrogate mother and recommended her directly to a doctor for artificial insemination.
It was also Kardashian who, in her 30s, gave Hilton the idea of ??having her eggs frozen as a precautionary measure so that she would have the option of having children later in life. In the interview, she said: “Kim also told me about this surrogacy thing. I went to see the same doctor, Dr. Huang, who is said to be the best. He has a concierge team that takes care of everything and interviews the potential surrogates, to make sure they are healthy.”
When asked by the editor if the 42-year-old was concerned about carrying a child because of her age, Hilton replied that if she were 20 years younger, she would also use a surrogate mother. The new mother also explains why she came to this decision: She’s afraid of going to doctor’s offices regularly again. “The syringes, the intravenous injections.” Hilton claims that she used to have blood samples taken regularly.
Her past as a reality star, when she toured the USA with Nicole Richie and was accompanied by cameras from 2003 to 2007, also left their mark: “When I was on ‘The Simple Life’, I had to be in a room when a woman gave birth to a child and it traumatized me. But I want a family so badly, that’s just the physical part of it. I’m just so scared. Labor and death are the two things that scare me more than anything in the world.”
What: Glamor