Dutch police reports that several persons have been injured during the knivangreb in a shopping street in the Hague.

Several individuals are on Friday night wounded during a knivangreb in the Dutch city of the Hague.

The police according to news agency Reuters.

– Stabbing, with several wounded in the Grote Markstraat in the Hague, says in a notice from the police in the Hague on Twitter.

the Attack must have taken place in a shopping area in the Dutch city.

The Dutch media NOS writes that the attack Makrobet took place in the department store hudson’s Bay. It is however as yet unconfirmed.

the NOS reports according to Reuters that there is nothing that suggests that there is talk about terrorism. Dutch police have apparently launched a hunt for the perpetrator.

the Police write in a separate message on Twitter, that people are currently looking for a man between 45 and 50 years after the knivangrebet.

He is described with a Dutch expression that is often used about people with north african descent, writes Reuters.

the Police informs, moreover, that the man is wearing a scarf and a grey joggingdragt.

the Dutch media shows pictures of large groups of people, who are gathered behind the police cordon in the central part of the city.

It is still very, very sparingly with confirmed information about the attack.

the Area where the attack must have taken place, is Friday night densely populated, as black friday has attracted many shoppende the Dutch.

Both police and emergency personnel are summoned to the scene of the crime, police in a communication.
