Julia Knörnschild’s world was lilac-colored and intact for a long time. Her podcast “Mama Lauda”, her Instagram channel and her own collection are successful. She is then admitted to a day clinic with exhaustion depression and receives an ADHD diagnosis there. She talks about it in her new book “Mama Can’t Do It Anymore.”

How are you?You mean for real?

Yes. Then I answer honestly: “Good” wouldn’t be right. I’m a little tense right now. I don’t sleep much and try to fill my child-free breaks with exercise.

Sounds stressful. Yes, it is. And stress often turns into illness, physical or psychological. That’s why I have to be careful. But I now know how.

In the book you compare yourself to a character from the computer game “The Sims”. How full is your energy bar? The social one would be bright green because I had a choir practice yesterday. Only the energy bar is in the red area and I have to balance it. But I’m going for a walk soon. Today I took a break to eat and also decided to go to the toilet regularly this year, which is good for the pelvic floor. It doesn’t always have to be big resolutions.

As a mom influencer, your life seemed like the perfect world for a long time: two podcasts, managing director, best-selling author, 100,000 followers on Instagram – plus two children and a perfectly furnished apartment.Hmmm. Yes.

If you followed you, you were waiting for the secret recipe for how to do it all at the same time. Instead came the collapse. When did you realize that it wasn’t working anymore? That was the summer after my first book, “Chilling with Baby,” came out. That’s when my memory problems started, as well as sleep problems and I felt so numb. I knew something was wrong. But I thought I was doing too little rather than too much. That sounds stupid, and I don’t want to stress anyone out, but it was true.

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