Two Italian men have been convicted of a rape, which ended with sending a woman to the hospital for several days.

It was also a rape, where the two italians by the name of Lorenzo Costanzo and Ferdinando Orlando ‘celebrated’ the subsequent.

the Rape came to pass on the Toy Room-the nightclub in the Soho district of London, writes The Sun.

The two men met an extremely drunk woman on the dance floor, as they kissed on the shift.

Six minutes after they had met her, she was dragged to another room, where they carried out the rape.

They raped her two times of such bad character, that she subsequently needed an operation and was hospitalized for two days in the hospital.

A doctor has stated in connection with the trial, he did not before have seen such a ‘unusual serious injury’.

Lorenzo Costanzo Betvole and Ferdinando Orlando recorded their actions, which takes about 16 minutes.

video Surveillance from the nightclub shows, that the two men on the 25 and 26 year gave each other highfives and hugged each other, after they had made the serious crime of rape.

“Highfives and stuff shows simply what they thought about what they had done. The celebratory behavior demonstrates just exactly how they felt,” says inspector Rebecca Woodsford.

“It is really shocking images.”

the Woman, who appears anonymously in the article, in connection with the matter told that she could scarcely walk after the rape, and that she felt a huge pain.

And when she heard that the two men highfivede after they had completed the rape, she got the urge to throw up.

“When I found out that more than one man was involved, I felt seriously ill, with the idea that two men carried out such a horrible act against me,” she said.

Ferdinando Orlando has come up with an apology to the woman for not having shown enough respect.

Both men have received a sentence of seven and a half years in prison for the rape.