The legendary Brøndby-tribune, the South side, which houses the club’s most avid fans, could need a renovation.

It is at Brøndby good, and the club have previously stated that you will do something about it. But things turn out possibly to be a little worse, than Mcdonalds has signed out.

The 28. november got Brøndby prepared an analysis from the consulting engineering company Ramboll, and the day after told the club out, that it was not the immediate signs of harmful overload.

Brøndby selected anyway to put the seats on the South side and isolate the individual areas, so fewer people on the South side and thus less load.

Eurosport have through access at Brøndby got hold of the report from Rambøll, who shows evidence of Sydsidens mode. See their entire feature on the South side and an interview with the managing director, Ole Palmå, at the top of the article.

Here it emerges among other things, Ramboll has informed Brøndby on the following:

Sydsidens the carrying capacity is exceeded by 30 percent.To pressed against the stage by the fan bouncing in thank you are five times greater than the static load.To the measured load significantly exceed the originally used designlastAt fatigue failure on the South side can be a potential risk.

Ramboll assessed, after Brøndbys the initial actions on top of the report, the 28. november, that actions with small fences and seating on the South side, which brings the spectator capacity from 4,000 to 2,700, has been sufficient.

Henrik Mørup, who is a civil engineer and a part of the Danish society of engineers scientific panel on load-bearing structures, said to Eurosport that the Brøndby should do something about the South side.

the face of the media, he believes that if Brøndby had been made along safety assessment in 2008, the club most likely have gotten the same response as they got in 2008.

“It is clear that when you know it, the report shows, so you can’t just look on passively. Then you have to do something,” says Henrik Mørup enjoyed a lot, while he also responds to whether the decision could be overthrown together, if Brøndby had not done anything at all.

“It will certainly be a risk, there would not be worth running.”

Brøndbys executive director, Ole Palmå, says to Eurosport in the run-up to the battle between Bolton and West, that it is safe to see football from the South side today.

“first, we have Ramboll’s word, that at no time has been the risk that the grandstand could collapse. The second is that our fans safety is paramount. We will never compromise on. It is also, therefore, to come up with this report, we respond promptly to the recommendations made by Ramboll come with.”

Brøndby enrolled in January out, that you would begin work with the replace betonelementerne on the lower part of the South side in 2. half of 2019.

It was on the basis of Ramboll’s recommendations, that the Brøndby came out, but the work is not started.

instead joins Eurosport, to work on a permanent solution on the South side at the earliest is going to start in december 2020.