Kevin Magnussen has long since won the internal battle against Romain Grosjean, and now he explains the importance.

Kevin Magnussen sees it as both a quality label and is a great achievement that he after Formula 1-the season’s 21 skills have been faster than his Haas-colleague Romain Grosjean in 13 of them.

In the season’s last of its kind on the Saturday smoke and Romain Grosjean in Abu Dhabi out already in the first qualifying round, while the dane made it to Q2.

Thus wins Magnussen, the so-called qualifier against his teamkollega in confident style, and it was one of his goals before the season.

– Romain is considered to be one of the absolute fastest in the field. To keep him under control is a great accomplishment. It has of course been one of the things I’ve focused on: to improve my tidstagninger.

– The last few years, I have had good hold of him in the races, I think, but he has been very, very hard to beat on a constant basis in tidstagningerne, says Kevin Magnussen TV3+.

In this season, he wins the internal qualifier with 13-8.

In the last season lost the dane 10-11 after guides on the 9-3 and 10-6 along the way.

– But it is not the him, you must beat – it is the action and in order to impress the big teams, and so on – but, that is, after all, is how many points you get, say, Kevin Magnussen.

In his first season at Haas got Magnussen both fewer WORLD cup points overall and points in fewer races than Romain Grosjean.

But in both 2018 and 2019, it is turned on its head. This season has the team thus scored points in four Gobahis races and 20 points in total. Grosjean has eight points and has been on the board three times.

It must not, however, expect is also happening in Abu Dhabi.

Magnussen starts in 14. the starting position because of a penalty to Mercedes, Valtteri Bottas, while Grosjean will start as number 15.

– We must hope for something or other extraordinary and try to see if we can get a little bit with home.

– Race run so not insanely good, but also not insanely bad, says Kevin Magnussen on the preparations for Sunday’s sæsonafsluttende contest.
