Former gymnastics star Magdalena Brzeska (45) and her daughter Noemi Peschel (23) are not only united by their passion for rhythmic gymnastics. The mother-daughter team is now a well-rehearsed team when it comes to public relations and events. Peschel ended her sports career in 2021 and regularly accompanies her mother on the red carpet.

“We actually don’t see each other that often, so the events are a good opportunity to spend a little time together,” reveals the 23-year-old, who runs her own medical cosmetics shop with her partner, ex-artistic gymnast Marcel Nguyen (36). has made. “My daughter and I have a friendly relationship,” Brzeska also enthuses. “We support each other.”

Noemi Peschel: Yes, I like being in public. I just enjoy experiencing these things with my mom. We actually don’t see each other that often, so the events are also a good opportunity to spend a little time together. It’s always a nice event that’s a lot of fun, and that’s why I like doing it with my mom.

Magdalena Brzeska: No, not really. I think that she has already gained self-confidence through this sport. Sport also teaches self-confidence. As an individual athlete, she goes to the competition area and has to be able to present herself there and present herself well. And yes, that helped her on the red carpet too, if you can put it that way.

Brzeska: I think we have a friendly relationship and of course we talk about everything. There are many things that, as a mother, I don’t know very well about how things work in the younger generation, for example social media, etc. I think we complement each other well. Sometimes I ask Noemi for help, and we also support each other in other life situations.

Peschel: After my sports career, I tried things out a bit and actually wanted to go into social education. However, during my training I realized that this wasn’t quite my thing. At the same time, my friend decided to start his own business and open medical cosmetics stores. Now I work with him there.

Peschel: That’s fun, but of course it’s a big topic. We talk about it a lot at home, but we make sure to add a lot of variety too. Sometimes we consciously do something different to ensure that the topic of work doesn’t take up too much space.

Brzeska: I have been working as the head of a performance center for rhythmic gymnastics for eleven years now. We have also integrated a gymnastics talent school there. In my job as head trainer I have to exercise whether I want to or not, sometimes even on days when I don’t feel like it. But I show the children a lot myself. I am a trainer who prefers to show something myself instead of just telling. Otherwise I like to go swimming or walking. I don’t like running, I prefer walking. Running was never really my thing, to put it that way.

Brzeska: Yes, I am the patron of the “Germany’s Fittest Elementary School” campaign from the “Deichmann Moves” initiative. The project aims to motivate children to exercise more by integrating playful exercises into everyday school life. I think it is very important that an active lifestyle should be encouraged from an early age.

Magdalena: Of course, it was clear to me from the start that I really wanted to motivate my children to do sport because I think it is very important. For me it was just as important to find the right sport for her. With Noemi, it was obvious that she loved to exercise – she practically grew up in the gym. And it was clear that Noemi definitely has talent and enjoys what she does. She came home and continued jumping around, moving around a lot.

Noemi: For me it’s a little more difficult because I don’t work in the gym like my mom. I sit a lot while working. That’s why I try to find a balance after work or do something before work. I’m registered at the gym and have my training plan there, which I do as often as possible during the week. I also have two dogs, so I like to walk and walk a lot, just like Mom. I always try to walk routes when they are accessible and not use the car. I’m not a runner either, I probably inherited that from my mom, but I really enjoy going for walks.

Brzeska: Not really, Noemi, for example, was very independent from an early age. As an active athlete, she traveled to competitions at a young age with her team and friends and was often not at home. Then she moved to boarding school, that is, to the national team, to a gymnastics center. The girls were alone there. When she was eleven, she wasn’t at home for a while and I had time to slowly get used to it.

Brzeska: She mainly works behind the camera for a production company and is therefore not very present in public.

Brzeska: Yes, although I can also really enjoy the moments that we had or still have from time to time with the children and with my partner. For example, we have game nights together, which we have a lot of fun with. Otherwise, unfortunately, I’m still out and about a lot, and my partner now actually sits at home and is alone most of the time.

Brzeska: No, that’s completely fine with him. Of course we miss each other too. I’m out and about as a trainer almost every weekend and look after different age groups. Especially between February and July, during our season, I’m away almost every weekend. It’s definitely not easy. But we stuck it out for six years and got through those few months. It’s difficult during the season, but after that I have a little more time at home and we enjoy that too.

Brzeska: Yes, who knows what the future will bring. I’ve been married before and I know what it’s like. I don’t necessarily have to have this again. But if my partner asked me one day, I don’t think I would say no.

Peschel: Of course I have nothing against it. All that matters to me is that mom is happy, regardless of whether she gets married again or not. The main thing is that she is happy.