currently grows the number of people infected with measles, with over 100 on the day, inform the Samoa government.

the death toll from a mæslingeudbrud in a Samoa has risen to 53. It informs the government on Monday.

While growing the number of people who are infected with the disease, with more than 100 a day in the small pacific-island nation.

the Vast majority of the dead are young children. Thus, 48 of the 53 dead children under four years.

During the eruption are registered with the 3700 cases of measles among østatens about 200,000 inhabitants. Only between Sunday and Monday is that registered 198 new cases.

The 20. november is declared american Samoa a state of emergency after more deaths, which was believed to be due to an outbreak of measles.

All schools and universities were closed, and the authorities have since tried to avoid large gatherings of people.

At the end of October in the inlet of the first reports of deaths as a result of measles. It prompted the government to declare a measles epidemic, just like the foretold, that everyone should be vaccinated, if they are not already.

the Page is 58.150 people have been vaccinated.

the world health Organization recommends that about 95 percent of a population should be vaccinated to ensure population immunity.

In Samoa is vaccinedækningen at just 31 percent.

According to the world health organization, the number of mæslingeudbrud increased worldwide in recent years – also in developed countries, where the disease otherwise was virtually destroyed.

the Vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella – the so-called MMR vaccine – are safe and effective, but the health professionals all over the world are struggling increasingly against vaccineskeptikere.

Parents who investigates, how safe the vaccine is, and will be led astray by misinformation on the internet and the religious, cultural and far-right beliefs.

Samoa located in the Oslobet Pacific ocean about midway between New Zealand and Hawaii.
