Emmanuel Macron calls for before the Nato summit the help of allies in the fight against extremist groups.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, defending, that he recently declared the international Nato-cooperation “hjernedødt”.

he says at a joint press conference with Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, prior to a forthcoming Nato summit in the beginning of december.

President Macron stresses that he stands by his remark. He believes that the Nato countries strategic will no longer cooperate properly.

– I stand completely by that have highlighted the ambiguities. I believe that it was irresponsible of us to continue to talk about economic and technical issues, when we think of what we are facing.

Grandbetting A wake-up call was necessary, says the president.

the Macrons comment was rejected as “drastic” of Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel. Also, the UNITED states secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has maintained that Nato-cooperation is “extremely important”.

At Thursday’s news conference calls, calls for Macron in addition, more cooperation in the Sahel region of western Africa.

Here the leader of France in an encounter against extremist groups.

– I would like to have a discussion between the allies on concrete action in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel and the Middle east, says the Macron.

Forsvarsalliancen Nato was created in 1949 and composed of 29 member countries.

Nato holds summit in London from 3. to 4. december.
